Alcoves (Snarry, SMUT)

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Heyy Guys!

I'm soo sorry for not updating!
I have a shitty writer's block. Hopfully it will go soon. Wish me luck ;)

This Oneshot is based on a request!
You can text me anytime if you have any wishes <3

The conversations of hundreds of students echoed loudly in the hallways as they made their way to the Great Hall for dinner.

So were Harry and his friends, the former looking impatiently at the time.
They were making slow progress towards their goal and he hated being late for a meeting with Severus.

There, there it was. The red carpet with silver ornaments seemed to be waiting for him. It glowed faintly, as if to say, 'Here I am, waiting. 

Harry grinned. He quickly looked around before disappearing behind it. His friends were so busy with themselves that they would probably only notice in the evening.

He pulled the rug back into place and paused for a moment. Patiently, he listened for possible footsteps that he knew would never come.

The loud conversations of the students on the other side passed them by like a swarm of bumblebees.

Only the breeze on the back of his neck made him shiver and look knowingly behind him.

Promptly he met the gaze of black lakes. His eyes continued to wander downwards and fastened on the narrow lips that were distorted into a small smile.

"I thought you'd never come." His words echoed off the stone walls.

Immediately his lips were captured in a fiery kiss and he was pressed against the wall.

His hands were held together by Severus'
larger one held together while the other wandered further down.

With it, his shirt buttons came undone, as did his belt, along with his trousers.
In an instant, Harry was standing in only his, still, intact tie.

The student squirmed willingly under the beguiling gaze and Severus soon lost his self-control.

With an excited growl, he lunged at the young body before him.
His tongue traced the well-defined chest while his hands did not remain idle.

Severus licked his way up to Harry's carotid artery and then sucked greedily at its weak spot.
Meanwhile, the younger boy's lustful moan reached his ear directly.

A deep rumble escaped him before he prepared him with two fingers coated in lube.
At his first penetration, Harry collapsed and clung to his friend like a drowning man.

Two fingers quickly became three and now the student had had enough.
"Fuck me already, Sev!" he whispered strained, the last part of the sentence drowning in an excited moan.

With those words, Severus' temper snapped. Growling, he sank into the seductive tightness.
A long drawn-out moan escaped Harry and met the Potions Master's movements.

The students in the corridor were oblivious as Severus sank into the sinful confines one last time and came.

Harry gasped in surprise and came over Severus' hand.
Exhausted, he whispered a cleansing spell before leaning back against the younger man, relaxing.

The student smiled and wrapped his arms around the sweaty body.
"Thank you, Sev. That was wonderful." 
Severus smirked and gave him a loving kiss.

"I love you."

Harry Potter and the book of oneshots (English translation)Where stories live. Discover now