Wake up, please! (Snupin)

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After the final battle, while Severus had warded off the Death Curse on Remus, it happened.
Harry cast the all-important spell and Voldemort dissolved.

At that very second, the Potions Master collapsed and lay motionless in the dewy grass.
A moment later, he heard the werewolf straining to call his name before the liberating darkness overtook him.

Through beeping spells that indicated the teacher's vital signs, the former rumrunner heard a knock and looked up.
Standing in the doorway was his godson, walking anxiously towards the bed where Severus had been placed.

"How is he?"
Remus just shook his head and pulled Harry closer.
"No change so far. The medi-witches say that the pain that went through the dark mark has put him into some sort of coma. I don't know how to proceed."

The brown-haired man sighed and gently stroked the pale hand.
"You really like him, don't you?" Harry asked, smiling at the blush, on Remus' face.
"Yes. And I sincerely hope he...likes me too."

The student nodded and then grinned.
"Well, he's sort of my stepfather, then."
Surprised, the Who looked at him.
"Well, you're like a father to me, and when you get together, he'll be my father too."

Remus shook his head smiling in disbelief.
"Yeah well, believe what you want..." he muttered mischievously and received a slight rib trill in return.

"I'll be off then. I hope his condition improves quickly."
He quickly gave the older man a kiss on the cheek and quietly left the room.
Remus sighed and continued to look hopefully at the monitoring spells.

Three months passed and nothing had changed in Severus' condition. Neither for the better, nor for the worse.
Remus came to him every day and kept him company. Even though he knew the potions master might not notice.
He told him about his day every time and more often Harry joined him.

This time Remus was alone.
"Please Sev, you need to wake up. I don't know what to do without you. Harry needs you, I need you. Please Severus wake up."

Startled, he jerked back as the pressure around his hand intensified. Jerkily, his gaze shot upwards, making him gasp breathlessly.
"Severus," he whispered softly.

Black beads looked at him and there was so much gratitude in them. So much joy. So much love.
Raucously, the teacher cleared his throat but could not manage a word.
"No, don't talk. You shouldn't try so hard."
He whispered and received a soft, amused snort that made him grin automatically.

"Shall I fetch Harry?" Severus nodded strained at the question and squeezed Remus' hand as best he could.
The latter positively beamed at him and sent a Patronus.

A quarter of an hour later there was a knock, as there had been the months before, and a crow's nest called Hair appeared in the doorway.
"Professor Snape?"

Cautiously, he made his way to the bed.
The potions master smiled slightly.
Concentrating, he summoned the paper and quill.
Shakily, he began to write;

"Severus and you. I've been aware of everything that's been happening around me." His gaze slid briefly to the werewolf, "I would love you to be my son, Harry. And you, Remus, to be my mate."

Both men beamed at him and Harry even dared to hug him. With a little help, Severus also managed to wrap his arms around the slender body.

"Thank you for always being with me. I'm so looking forward to getting out of here, you can believe that though."
Harry chuckled and Remus grinned in amusement as well.
Even on the note they could make out the Potions Master's annoyed voice.

Now, however, one of the medicine witches, who had entered the room earlier unnoticed by everyone, made her way in.
She checked all the values, wounds and other things before she turned to the men again.

"Mister Snape can be discharged in about four weeks, but he has to come here once a week for a check-up. We are very pleased to hear that you are feeling better. Goodbye."

After the woman had said goodbye, visiting hours were also unfortunately over. Before Remus and Harry travelled home, Severus had one more request;

"Could you bring some of my clothes tomorrow? I don't really want to stay in these clothes."

After deciphering the somewhat scrawled writing, the werewolf nodded and gave the potions master a kiss on the lips as if everything was normal.

Severus just looked perplexed and Remus stumbled out of the room after a quick "Sorry."
Harry stayed behind, laughing, and sat down at the edge of the bed with the Potions Master.

"You guys will get used to it, it'll take a little while."
Severus playfully narrowed his eyes sternly, making Harry grin.

"You'll be better soon and then you'll come home."
Severus nodded and weakly raised his arms in a hug.
The former student understood immediately, of course, and wrapped his arms around the laying body.

He rose, waved him goodbye, and then quietly closed the door.
Sometimes accidents had to happen to create something wonderful.

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