A kiss in the Morning (Snaco)

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Hey guys

If anyone asks, my work turned out well! (Yayy)

I noticed the many of my stories have a trigger warning in them. I'm really sorry if it's too much.

Lest I forget:
TW: Anorexia


At half past six in the morning, the elder Malfoy-Snape woke up, blinked and quietly slipped into the bathroom.

He stripped down to his shorts and looked in the mirror.
You could see all the rib bones, the pelvis was sticking out and his figure was so thin, it looked as if he would collapse at the slightest touch.

Trying not to make a sound, he pulled out a Muggle invention, also called a scale, and after looking around one last time, stood on it.

The display lit up flickeringly and showed his weight.
27.5 kg.

Severus shook his head. That was still too much for him. He had to lose even more weight!

"Severus?!" came a shout from the other side of the door.
Quick as a flash, he dressed and used his feet to push the scales into their original place.

Not a second too soon, Draco opened the door a crack before seeing the Potions Master fully dressed and finally slipping all the way into their shared bath.

For a few months now, the Potions Master hadn't wanted him to see him naked, let alone have sex.

"Is everything all right? The bed was suddenly so empty."
Draco smiled at him with tired eyes.

Severus' heart contracted painfully at the sight.
He didn't want him to suffer because of him.

"Yes...yes, it's all right. I just wanted to wash my face and then make breakfast for you...us."

He tried an awkward smile, but it crumbled as the blond walked up to him and hugged him around the waist.

Severus tensed instantly, but Draco wouldn't dream of letting go of him.

The younger Slytherin was shocked as he hugged his darling. So thin.

"No, Draco.... Don't do that, please, I'm too fat."
This statement shocked the 18-year-old to blood.

"Severus you are not fat. Stop saying that. How much do you weigh?" he asked gently, stroking Severus' sides tenderly.

The black-haired man hesitated before answering quietly, "27.5 kg. I know, way too much, but I'll lose weight, don't worry."

"No Severus, you won't."
Puzzled, he looked at him.
"No? But why? I'm only trying to please you."

Gently, Draco stroked Severus' left cheek.
"You are beautiful even now. Please understand that. I love you and I'm afraid for you."

Severus still didn't look at him.
"When was the last time you ate?"

The professor thought for a while before saying, "Five days ago."

"Okay." Draco said, taking his hand and leading him out of the bathroom into the living room and onto the couch.

"How about I cook us breakfast and you have some of that and keep it in, is that okay?"

Severus nodded uncertainly and smiled at him. This time it wasn't a forced one, no it was a small but honest smile.

"Great. I love you. I won't make you do anything you don't want to, but please do me a favour and eat with me at least once a day."

Again the Potion Master nodded and hugged his partner.
A hot wet dripped onto Draco before he gently wiped the tears away.

"It's all good. We'll get through this together. I promise."
With that, he leaned forward and gave Severus a loving kiss before pulling back so as not to press him further.

He was sure they would manage to curb Severus' anorexia. Together.

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