Do you know...? (Snarry)

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"Mister Potter!" snarled Severus Snape, annoyed, crossing his arms.
"Detention. 6pm sharp in my office and don't you be late!"

Harry winced slightly, but nodded.
"Yes, sir."

The potions master grumbled briefly and then continued talking normally, as if Harry hadn't just blown up his cauldron.

"Hey Man. What's up with you lately?!" Ron looked at him uncomprehendingly and then shook his head in bewilderment when he realised Harry hadn't been listening to him again.

Meanwhile, the Gryffindor was daydreaming, the contents of which his friends were probably better off not knowing.

The rest of the potion lesson passed relatively quietly. Harry's cauldron was the only one to die that day.

With a smile on his lips, Harry went to dinner with Ron and Hermione.
Hermione, who for once did not have her nose in a book, already had a guess as to why Harry was so happy about detention with Snape, but kept it to herself.

Harry, meanwhile, was eating his meal without a care in the world. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Snape disappear from the teacher's desk and apologised for the detention.

It was impossible to look that quickly before Harry had already raced into the dungeons and knocked quietly on the potions professor's office door.

With a sullen "Come in", the door opened of its own accord, revealing Snape's desk.

"Mister Potter, are you going to come in or are you going to stand here until the end of your days?" asked Severus mockingly.

Harry quickly pulled the handle closed and sealed it with a spell.

Now, at last, the Potions Master could allow himself a gentle smile and stood up from his chair.

Grinning, Harry wrapped his arms around his scarred neck and nestled trustingly against Severus' chest.

"I'm so tired," the Lion muttered and the Slytherin smiled indulgently.

"No kiss as a greeting?" he teased, gently lifting Harry's chin.

The latter pouted his lips cheekily, which made Severus laugh softly.
"My little Gryffindor," he murmured, giving Harry a kiss.

Moaning softly, he let himself fall and pressed closer to his lover.

"Do you know how much I love you?" gasped Severus, burying his face in his tousled hair.

Harry 'mhhte' and smiled beatifically.
"At least as much as I love you."

Now the older one chuckled and gave him a little kiss between the hairline.

"Do you know how protective I'm going to be of you?"

And Harry replied again;
"Like the most precious and valuable treasure of the world."

Severus led the way out of the office, into their flat and there onto the couch where he settled with Harry on his lap.

"Do you know how much your eyes light up whenever you hear my voice?"

The student kissed him briefly before whispering softly;
"The same way your black onyxes flash as if they were made of shining gemstone."

Quietly they sat there for a long while longer, enjoying their togetherness.
Their togetherness and each other's love.

Harry Potter and the book of oneshots (English translation)Where stories live. Discover now