Remy (Wolfstar)

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Sirius could not believe his eyes.
The news of a new student had spread through the school in no time and everyone was curious.
After all, it wasn't every day that they got a new student in the middle of the year.

The new boy looked around shyly and for a few seconds their eyes crossed.
Sirius thought his heart would explode at that moment.
The chocolate brown eyes were simply sweet. And the scarred face suited him.

The Black was jolted out of his thoughts when the Talking Hat shouted loudly, "GRYFFINDOR." He hadn't even realised when the division had started.

Slowly, the newcomer took off his hat and walked towards the Gryffindor table.
The brown-haired man smiled shyly and pointed questioningly to the empty seat next to Sirius.
Sirius understood and moved a little closer. 

"Hi, my name is Sirius. If you want, I'd be happy to show you around."
The student nodded slightly and whispered, "I'm Remus. Thanks."

Sirius was really struggling to understand his neighbour, but at least picked up his name.
"Nice to meet you Remus."

Remus smiled and hesitantly reached for a sandwich. Sirius also greedily made his way over the food. It tasted really good.

After everyone had finished eating, the two new friends stood up and the long-haired one looked at Remus.
"Hmm. I think it's a bit late to show you around the castle now and I think you want to get settled in, don't you?"

The Gryffindor nodded slightly and let Sirius guide him to the common room.
They entered the stairs to the dormitories and were surprised to notice that they were sharing a room.

"Well, that's just as well. I haven't had company in a while."
Mischievously Sirius grinned, however Remus looked at him worriedly.
"It's alright. I'm used to it. Being an outsider, no one wants to hang out with you. That's just the way life is."

The brown-haired man nodded and set about unpacking his suitcases.

"Say, why are you so mute anyway? Don't you like to talk?"
Remus turned and smiled sadly at him. Then he grabbed a pen and paper and wrote, "Can I trust you? Are you my friend?"

Sirius nodded vigorously. Relieved, the student nodded and continued. Meanwhile, Black noticed that Remus had very nice handwriting.

"I'm not treated well at home."

Shocked, he stared at him. "Shit," it escaped him.
Eagerly, Remus began to write again.
"They're beating me. My father choked me yesterday until I passed out. I want to save my neck."

Slowly Sirius approached and placed his hand lightly against his counterpart's cheek. Gently, he pushed his head up a little and then very lightly stroked the purple stained injuries.

Remus winced briefly.
"Sorry." Sirius muttered.
"Why would they do something like that?"
The student sighed and shook his head.
"Because I'm a werewolf." He croaked strained.

Startled, Sirius automatically backed away a little until he realised his mistake. Immediately he stepped closer.
"Just caught me off guard. Sorry. Can- So, can I hug you?"

Remus nodded and smiled happily at the warm feeling Sirius' arms gave him.
"We should go to sleep." Whispered the werewolf.
The other nodded and pulled Remus onto his bed, under the covers, without argument.

Quietly, they snuggled together and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Remus was completely surprised to feel a person next to him. Confused, he opened his eyes and not for a second did his jaw hit the floor. 
Was the most beautiful boy at Hogwarts really lying in bed next to him right now?!
He felt as if it was Easter and Christmas at the same time.

All the nights he had to spend freezing on his parents' cold stone floor somehow no longer had any meaning. At least for the moment.
He wallowed in the feeling of security for a while, when Sirius opened his eyes with a yawn.

The latter didn't seem to mind the whole situation so much and snuggled closer to Remus.
"Good morning, handsome," he whispered with a smile.
"My beautiful?" Remus asked, confused.

The Black growled in agreement and carefully inspected the bruises on the werewolf's neck.
"I can give you some salve for them here later."
Remus agreed quietly.

"You're so beautiful, do you know that?!" Escaped Remus and quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.
However, Sirius had heard and grinned cheekily at him.

"You're quite attractive too."

Shocked, the new student promptly swallowed.
Smiling, he patted him on the back and Remus calmed down.

"Can... Can you kiss me?"
Remus blushed and looked down at his hands.
"I'd love nothing more, Remy." Whispered Sirius, pulling him into a gentle kiss.

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