Bedmate (Severus x Xenophilius)

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Severus didn't know if the whole thing was a bad joke or reality.

When he had woken up and felt a source of heat that wasn't supposed to be there, he knew something had gone wrong the night before.

He had looked to the side and noticed beautiful white hair that belonged to a well-built male body.

And now he was lying here. With a headache without end and a hangover. Great.

The only thing he could remember was that there had been an Order party yesterday to celebrate Voldemort's destruction.

According to his hangover, plenty of alcohol had been consumed, which also explained the loss of memory. But not the man next to him.

Severus was jolted out of his thoughts when the sleeping man turned on his side and rested his head on the Potions Master's bare chest.

Xenophilius Lovegood.

"By Merlin's neon green striped beard!" Escaped him softly, inadvertently tightening his grip around the blond.

The latter blinked sleepily up at Severus at the words before resting his head contentedly on the older man's chest again.

"Sev." Xenophilius, Xeno for short, murmured softly. "Don't get upset, please."

Dumbfounded, the black-haired man looked down at himself.
"I'm not supposed to get upset?! Xeno! We shouldn't even be lying here together."

"You don't remember, do you?" Lovegood stated disappointedly.

Astonished, Severus looked at him.
"No." He exhaled softly. "At least not all of it. I know the Order celebrated yesterday and I had a talk with you. After that, nothing."

"Sev... we slept together." Xeno said softly.
"As if I didn't know that myself." Severus snorted.

Xeno smirked.
"You told me you loved me when you took me from behind."

Now Severus was sliding around on the bed, red-faced, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Is that true?" Asked the head of the quibbler.
Severus cleared his throat and nodded sheepishly.

"I'm sorry I took advantage of you like that, just because I didn't drink alcohol."

Severus looked at him, befuddled.
"It's all right. You didn't take advantage of me in that sense. My will was there, after all."

Xeno smirked and pressed a kiss to the astonished Potions Master's thin lips.

"I love you." He whispered. "And I'm glad you feel the same way."
He smiled at him and kissed him again.

Maybe the "accident" wasn't so bad after all.
Now he just had to explain it to his son Harry.

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