The starry sky of Malfoy Manor (Lucarry)

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Draco and Harry had been best friends since first year and were both sorted into Slytherin.

But now it was autumn break and, as always, the blond 17-year-old took him to Malfoy Manor.

Actually, no problem, but when you considered that Harry had his eye on his best friend's father, it looked quite different again.

They were sitting down to dinner when Narcissa asked,

"So, Harry. Do you have your sights set on anyone as far as mates are concerned?"

He promptly choked and worriedly Draco patted him on the back.

" yes...ah." Slowly Harry gave up trying to squeeze any more useful answer out of himself.

Also because Lucius was sitting right next to him, eyeing him with interest.

Immediately Harry blushed and turned his attention back to his plate.

Narcissa, who had seen that Harry was looking at her "husband", stopped asking questions.

Later, after dinner, when it was already past midnight, Harry slipped out of his room and sat down on a bench in the Malfoys' oversized garden.

He gazed dreamily at the clear night sky and was overwhelmed by the large number of stars that could be seen here.

Suddenly he felt a body next to him and winced briefly when he recognised Lucius.

The older one was looking up at the sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I usually come here when I can't sleep."

Harry nodded in understanding.

"What's it like to love, Lucius?" He asked freely.

Astonished, the aristocrat looked at him. Their eyes met and lost themselves in each other's lakes.

It was silent for a while and their faces came closer and closer.

"I don't know Harry, you tell me." The older one murmured and their lips met in a kiss that took their breath away.

I love you Lucius, more than anything. But what about Narcissa?" he said after they had parted.

Lucius grinned smugly and leaned further forward.

"Narcissa was never my wife. Just a good friend. That means I'm only yours."

He breathed into his ear, triggering goosebumps all over the younger man's body.

Harry smiled happily and joined their lips in a fiery kiss that soon promised more.

Laughing, they ran back to the Manor, where Luciu led him to his room and pressed Harry excitedly against the wall.

Happily, Harry lay next to his beloved and gently stroked the sleeping man's back.

The night was wonderful, yet he was afraid of what Draco would say about their relationship.

After all, it was his father he was with.

"What's troubling you darling?" A dark voice murmured and a hand tenderly nuzzled the back of his neck before he was pulled into a kiss.

When they broke away, Harry shook his head.

"I'm just worried about how Draco will take it with us. But just to be clear, I'm not going to leave you, no matter what."

Before Lucius could reply anything else, there was a knock on the door and Draco stepped into the room.

"Good morning, Dad. Have you seen Harry..." he faltered "...seen Harry. Oh."

"Good morning dragon. It's just as it seems. Harry and I have been together since last night. Please accept that."

Slowly, the Slytherin stepped up to the bed and hugged them both as best he could.

"Congratulations! You've finally made it. That was unbearable. Mum agrees, by the way."

He grinned mischievously at her.

Harry smiled happily and gave Lucius a kiss. The latter deepened it and Draco made off with a,

"I'd better be off."

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