I've got you (Snarry, Muggle AU)

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I've broke my writer's block!!!
The pic and song inspired me to write this piece!

TW: Domestic violence 


"Sev! I'm just scared for you! Please understand that."

They were arguing again. Harry wasn't actually angry with his lover, but he was worried.

For some time now, a shady group had been trying to involve his Severus in some kind of scheme.

They had enough money for several court cases, but he just didn't want it to happen.

"Harry! I know what I'm doing, I'm 27! And as much as I appreciate how you're trying to protect me, let me make my mistakes."

Frustrated, Harry threw his hands up in the air, just in time to see Severus close his eyes convulsively and flinch away.

When the black-haired man realised what he had done, his eyes jerked upwards in panic.

"Harry, I...-" his voice was thin as he looked up at him in the lush green.

"Did you really think I was going to hit you?!" The horror in his voice was clear as night.
Step by step, the former student backed away and stumbled down the stairs into the living room.

Severus stopped in the hallway, paralysed. His thoughts were circling.
What had he done!
He had gotten out of the habit, why had it just come back?

While Severus was having one flashback after another upstairs, Harry was despairing downstairs.

He had thrown himself on the couch and was crying out all his despair.
Surely Severus hadn't seriously thought he could ever hurt him. Not to mention beating him.

It was only hours later, when Harry had made sure that the Potions Master had already fallen asleep, that he lay down with him.

In the middle of the night, Harry was awoken by a sharp cry and immediately startled.
He sat up straight in bed and looked around.

A little in front of the door frame Severus was cowering, protecting his head with his hands.
Again and again Harry heard soft, pleading words.

"Please don't, Mother! He didn't do anything. It was all me! Please leave him alone! NOOOOO!"

The scream echoed throughout the house and shook Harry's heart all the way behind the walls.

"Severus?" he asked quietly.
He didn't want to scare him after that flashback or even make him feel like his mother.

The black-haired man winced and glanced behind. "Harry... 'm sorry-"
Severus wrapped his arms around himself and swayed back and forth, lost.

"Severus, baby. It's all right. Can I give you a hug?"
Without answering him, he fell into his arms and cried. And Harry let him.

For a long time, sobs and apologetic words filled the air as Severus was slow to calm down.

Only when all the tears had been shed did he begin to tell the story.

"I grew up in a family that was, shall we say, very strict.
My brother and I were hated by our mother. Our father, on the other hand, loved us like his own children. We're adopted.
My sibling was genderfluid, so I sometimes switch between pronouns."

The black-haired man smiled sadly.
"I loved my sister and they loved me. That's why we always protected each other.
Depending on how bad it was, I accepted the blame.

I didn't want him to suffer. And one day, we were at our mother's and she accused my brother of scaring away one of her customers. Of course, the whole thing wasn't true, but I knew my brother wanted to go to a party and so I stepped in."

He exhaled shakily and buried his face in Harry's shoulder.

"Our mother didn't give a damn and so she punished us both. Worse than usual. In the process- in the process she killed him. I could never forgive myself. Still can't. When I told my father what she had done, for Salazar's sake, I can still see his face. So much pain. He- He fell on his knees in front of me, had his arms wrapped around me and that's how we cried."

Severus swallowed and leaned silently into Harry's firm grip.
After a while, the smaller one began to speak.

"Sev, I am so sorry for what has been done to you. I just want to say that it's all over. I would never hit you or hurt you in any way.
I'm just concerned for you. Please don't go there."

Severus shook his head.
"You're right. It was a stupid idea to want to go there. I'm sorry."

Reassuringly, they kissed and let themselves fall backwards.
Resting their heads on Severus' chest, they enjoyed the peace between them.

"What was his name?" asked Harry.
Severus growled in confusion.
"Well, what was your sister's name."
The Potions Master smiled happily.
"His name was Rain. She picked that name because it sounded the most neutral. I can still remember, my father wanted to throw a huge party right away because he was so excited."

Chuckling softly, he hugged Harry to him.
"Thank you for letting me tell you that. I've repressed it over the years, but now, the burden is gone. Thank you Harry."

"Anything for you baby. I love you. Try to get some more sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday anyway, so I can make you your favourite breakfast and you can sleep in."

As if on cue, the older one yawned and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"You really are a darling," he murmured before falling into the land of dreams.

"I love you too." He whispered lovingly.

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