Every Year (Snarry)

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Ignoring the flashing lights, they walked arm in arm and with stoic expressions down the carpet to their actual destination.

The ballrooms of the British Ministry of Magic.

Reporters bustled behind the barriers, trying in vain to get a statement from their two heroes.

"This gets worse and worse every year." Severus muttered quietly and Harry suppressed a grin.

"You get used to it."
Was his only reply and he kept up his brisk pace.

Severus just grumbled and shielded them as much as he could.

"Harry Potter and Severus Snape! Our guests of honour."

They had arrived in the hall and were immediately greeted by the Minister's joyful voice.

"Good to see you Minister." Harry replied politely, nudging Severus lightly in the side.

After he had also murmured a greeting, they went to the Malfoys, who also did not seem to have been spared by the reporters.

"Sev, good to see you. It's about time, you're really holed up in your lab!"

Lucius Malfoy hugged him and Harry and stood by his son.

"Luc," the Potions Master replied dryly. "Where have you left your escort."
He looked around questioningly.

The Malfoy smiled and looked at his watch.
"Anthony will be here in a moment. He has a penchant for drama."

No sooner were these words spoken than said man appeared in the doorway.

He stood there in a black suit with a blue tie and the bystanders immediately started drooling.

No wonder, the man was really good-looking.
But the brown-haired man only had eyes for Lucius.

Draco smiled painedly. His fathers weren't exactly quiet and as a son you certainly didn't want to know that your father was into BDSM.

Severus, seeing this, let out a small laugh.
"Lucius, I don't know what you've been up to, but don't forget Silence Charms. You learned them early enough."

The aristocrat at least had the decency to blush and hid such with Anthony.

"Oh Severus, do be quiet. We don't want your little secrets brought out."

The black-haired man's eyes grew wide and he coughed briefly.
Harry grinned and gave him a kiss.

"How right he is." Whispered the younger in his ear and pressed unobtrusively on the plug.

Severus gasped briefly, scowling at him. But Harry only smiled cheekily and wrapped an arm around his waist again.

Draco only smiled knowingly and Anthony also seemed to be able to guess something.

Would you like, a second part (maybe with Smut?)
What do you say?

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