Time out (Snarry)

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Harry sighed and closed the door to Severus' and his chambers. They had lived together since he had graduated from school and couldn't be happier.
Still, his body demanded a little time out, just the two of them.

They could have as much sex as they wanted, whenever and wherever they wanted. Yes, that sounded wonderful.
Slowly, so as not to disturb Severus, he opened the door to the private lab and descended the stairs.
He quickly made sure that his partner wasn't experimenting with overly dangerous potions before wrapping his arms around him from behind.

He laid his head on the taller man's back and cuddled up to him trustingly.
Severus, who had flinched in shock, smiled indulgently and clasped his hands around his waist.

"Harry, I'll be ready in a minute." He promised quietly and turned to look him in the leaf-green eyes.
His counterpart looked at him doubtfully before a sigh escaped him and he looked sadly to the ground.

"I just want to spend some time with you. You've only been down here lately and sometimes you don't even come up for meals.
I miss you."

Harry felt tears forming and streaming down his red cheeks.
Severus' heart ached to see his favourite like this and he knew Harry was right. They really did spend too little time together.

"I promise I'll take two weeks off, then you'll have me all to yourself. No potions calling, not a soul wanting anything from us. Just you and me."

Harry nodded vigorously and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug. Severus gently stroked his back and rested his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm really sorry. I'll make sure we take regular breaks." Severus felt guilty. He had completely ignored the signals his body and his little angel had given him and distracted himself with a pile of work.

Harry was sobbing heartbreakingly and Severus was on the verge of shedding a tear or two himself. It always hurt him to see Harry like this.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and into the bedroom. A hot bath and a bit of sleep will do us good."
With these words, the potions master lifted his boyfriend in his arms and carried him to their flat.
Once there, he ran a bath and undressed. When he realised that Harry made no move to do the same, he knelt down in front of him and took his hands.

"Is everything okay? You don't have to go in there if you're not comfortable." Harry shook his head and unbuttoned his shirt. Severus pulled him into a hug and then let the brown-haired man continue.
He got up and fetched a pair of pyjamas from the bedroom.

Harry was now standing in the bathroom in his boxer shorts, looking like he'd been ordered and not picked up. Severus dressed him and stroked his tousled hair.
He gave him a kiss on the forehead, murmured that he was just going to have a quick shower and put Harry to bed.

After a quick shower, he lay down next to his significant other, who immediately snuggled up to him. Severus smiled slightly, kissed him on the forehead and then fell asleep as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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