Overheard (Jeverus)

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The Marauders were just about to leave for their favourite spot, a tree by the Black Lake, when they overheard a conversation.

"Sev," it was Lily's voice. "You really need to tell him. Otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy. I can help you if you want."

There was a sad sigh, then the Potter recognised Snape's soft voice.

"I know, I know. But Lils, you have to understand me too, HE hates my guts. I can't just go up to him and say; 'Hey I know you hate me, but somehow I managed to fall in love with you, do you want to go on a date?" "

The redhead laughed in amusement and snorted.
"That sounds terrible. Whatever you say, don't say anything like that. By Merlin, Sev!"

Lily smirked and the corners of James' mouth twitched suspiciously too.
Remus, who seemed to be the only one to notice, smiled knowingly.

"Hey guys, you go on ahead, I'll catch up with you in a minute." The Potter whispered and received confused nods.

"You'll get Lily today. Trust me!" With that, Black disappeared with Remus into the direction of the tree.

For a while longer he stared after his best friends to make sure they were really gone.

He suddenly flinched when his name came up.
"Potter, you can come out, we know you're hiding in the bushes."

No reproach could be heard in Lily's voice.
Nevertheless, the dark-haired man swallowed and stepped out of his cover.

"I'll leave you to it."
She gave Severus a meaningful look and was gone the next moment.

Clearly uncomfortable, the shorter man stared at his black shoes. 
"W-what do you want?"

He hated himself for his voice shaking so much. It just wasn't easy to make small talk with his nemesis and, incidentally, secret crush.

"I wanted to apologise to you. For all the years Sirius and I made you hell. For all the pranks that were anything but harmless. I'm sorry."

Severus snorted.
"It's okay," he mumbled, raising his eyes slightly. Immediately his heart leapt.

James' eyes had taken on a relieved gleam and were now scrutinising him.

Instantly he wrapped his arms around his thin figure and brushed a strand of black hair behind his ear.

"Severus, I like you very much. I know I'll never have a chance with you, but I've wanted to tell you for a long time."

This statement took the Slytherin by surprise, so he looked his counterpart straight in the eye.

Embarrassed, Severus stepped closer to the Gryffindor and trustingly rested his head on the other's trained chest.

It was silent for a while, only the rustling of leaves in the branches could be heard, before Severus raised his voice.

"Tell me, James. Are you serious about me, or is it just another silly prank by you and Black?"

Very slowly he released the air and then started to speak.
"When I said I- we- were sorry, I meant it. No more jokes, I love you, and that's why I want you safe. Even if Sirius won't understand."

Severus at his chest nodded in understanding and looked up.
Black sank into brown and every now and then his eyes darted to the other's lips.

All at once something exploded inside them that made them forget everything. Soft lips nestled gently against narrow ones and James pulled the black-haired man a little closer to him.

One hand wandered into the Slytherin's longer hair and the other explored the unknown terrain.

Silently, Severus moaned into the stranger's mouth, so good were the touches.

Suddenly they jumped apart as a tepid cry rang out.

"I knew it! Never did you look after Lily, it was always Snape!"

Embarrassed, they turned towards the voice and caught sight of Remus, Sirius and Lily.

The redhead smiled and winked at Severus.

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