A long day (Severus x Blaise)

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Blaise kissed his girlfriend goodbye on the cheek for the last time and closed the portrait to the Slytherin common room.

He was meeting his real boyfriend now, because Daphne was just a farce. And she knew that too.

Blaise wandered through the dungeons until he finally arrived at his destination.

An inconspicuous wooden door, behind which, however, were the rooms of Severus Snape.

He knocked. Then he opened the door.

"Good evening, dear!" The Italian shouted and took off his shoes.

Only a vague hum came from the living and dining room.

Blaise grinned. Yes, Severus could be quite grumpy sometimes, but it didn't bother the Slytherin.

He loved Severus the way he was.

As the student entered the living room, he smiled.
Now he knew why there was no answer.

The day had been long and tiring and so the Potions Master had fallen asleep on the couch.

The teacher snored quietly to himself and murmured something from time to time.

Blaise smiled and crouched down in front of his partner.
"Sev, hey Sev. Wake up baby."

Gently, he stroked his cheek. With the tender and all too rare touch, the black haired man finally woke up.

"Blaise? What are you doing here. Is it that late?"
The Zabini looked him in the eye.

"Yes, Sev. It's all good, you've had a long day, get some rest."

Indignant, Severus looked at him.
"I was supposed to be cooking for us. And I dozed off!"

Blaise smirked.
"There's nothing wrong with that, Sev. I can cook for you for a change!"

Dejectedly, Severus looked up.
"It's not the same though. We see so little of each other anyway, you shouldn't have to cook too. You should be able to relax!
And... I just wanted to make you happy. A little romantic evening just the two of us."

The boy's hand went to Severus' cheek and stroked his thumb along it soothingly.

"You're sweet, darling. I love you and I want you to let me do the cooking this one time, okay?"

Severus nodded defeatedly and pulled Blaise into a demanding kiss that quickly degenerated.

The younger growled contentedly, yet gently disengaged from his darling.

"I'll make us your favourite, lasagne."

Blaise smiled and rose. After one last kiss, he had already disappeared into the kitchen.

Severus grinned all over his face and leaned back, relaxing.
He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep again.

A jolt woke him. When he looked at the troublemaker, a grinning Blaise Zabini was facing him.

"Looks like you needed your beauty sleep. You've been asleep for at least an hour."

The potion master snorted.
"Oh, come on. I can't blame you for my boyfriend being so incredibly tactful and letting me sleep. Is dinner ready yet?"
He wanted to know at the end and mischievousness flashed in his eyes.

"Don't get cheeky now. And yes, there's already food."

Blaise smiled and led Severus to the table.
A plate of lasagne was waiting for him there, with two candles in between and his love had obviously not forgotten his favourite wine either.

This boy was really too perfect for him.
Severus smiled and sat down.

During the meal he kept glancing at the younger boy, who looked at him with an affectionate smile and took a hand.

"What's the matter?" the potions master asked, getting a.
"You are beautiful." Back.
Embarrassed, Severus looked at their clasped hands.

He had rarely been complimented and Blaise had made it his mission to make up for it since their relationship began, two years ago.

Blaise stood up, circled the table and knelt down in front of Severus. Their hands always remained together.

"Sev, you are beautiful. I know many would disagree, but you are to me.
I love you more than anything and I wish I could tell the whole world. Our evenings mean an incredible amount to me and that's why I want to ask you, will you Severus Tobias Snape, marry me Blaise Devon Zabini?"

During his monologue, the student pulled a black casket with a ring of black goblin gold of the same colour out of his pocket and knelt in front of him.

Severus stared open-mouthed at the scene before him.
Hopefully he hadn't misheard, because now he was screaming in bewilderment:


Blaise smiled happily at him and pulled him into a promising kiss.

Forehead to forehead they sat on the floor we couldn't believe it.
They were really engaged.

"I do love so much." Severus whispered and closed his eyes, smiling.

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