Midday nap (Snucius)

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When Lucius woke up at half past six in the morning with an uneasy feeling and didn't see Severus lying next to him, he was worried.

Usually the Potions Master slept longer than he did and so the politician could always bring his favourite breakfast to his bedside before the teacher had to go to class.

But now he heard metallic noises from the kitchen, followed by quiet curses and renewed clattering.

Smiling with amusement, Lucius got up, put on his dark green dressing gown and matching slippers and then went to the kitchen to join his friend.

"Severus?" the blond wizard asked quietly. He didn't want to startle the Potions Master.
He whirled around and smiled exhaustedly at his partner.

"I-I was going to make you breakfast, but it didn't quite work out. Did I wake you?" he said tiredly and leaned into the blond's embrace, who immediately pulled him tighter.

"No you didn't wake me. Is everything all right with you? You seem pretty beat." Doubting, Lucius looked towards the smaller one when he felt a nod at the crook of his neck.

Severus was just about to fall asleep again, but Lucius shook him gently.
"Hey, you need to get to class. Can you make it, otherwise I can take over for you? I've looked at your timetable, I can manage."

"No no, I'm fine, I'm already awake. You have enough to do." Severus said, disengaging himself from the hug, smoothing down his black robes and giving the blond a quick kiss before slipping out the door.

Lucius just watched him go, shaking his head.Severus was right, there was a lot of paperwork waiting for him on his desk.

------- By Severus -------

Severus stood outside the door to his classroom. He took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes one last time and, in his usual Snape manner, threw open the wooden door so that it crashed loudly against the wall.

Well, a little too loud for his tired brain, but at least he was half awake now.
Inwardly, he shook his head at himself as he hurried to his desk, robes billowing.

"Page 567, you will begin work immediately." He snarled clearly and sat down on the edge of his desk.
He didn't want to take the risk of falling asleep on the desk, because that, he would surely do if he sat down.

He had planned, note the irony, a sleeping potion for the fourth formers today.
Oh, what a long day it would be, the potions master thought to himself begrudgingly.

He now had a double lesson with the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor fourth years. Immediately afterwards, a lesson with the Ravenclaw and Slytherin of the same year as just now.
After that it was finally lunch time and he had a free period.

In the afternoon another two hours of Gryffindor and Slytherin of the sixth year. Potter's year. Oh, what a joy.

He was in no mood for this day. Not only did he have to teach the lions twice, but there was also the lack of sleep.
Today was really not his lucky day.

"SILENCE!" He yelled and immediately it was quiet.
Once the watering master started roaring, it was better to stay out of his way.
The students knew that only too well.

Severus pulled himself together. After all, the students couldn't help his bad mood. Well, maybe they were a little to blame.

The dark-haired man dragged himself to the first table to check the potion of a Slytherin. Everything was fine so far.
That was good, because it meant there was less chance of a cauldron blowing up.

------- Timeskip -------

Done, Severus dropped onto their shared sofa in their rooms. At the same moment, the door to Severus' office opened and Lucius stepped out.

The longhaired one used the office as well when Severus had lessons.
Now the black-haired man sighed heavily and curled up on the couch.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" the blonde asked gently, sitting down on the cushion next to his partner.

When he got no answer, he gently stroked a strand of black hair behind the watering master's ear and looked at closed eyes.

Surprised, he took the teacher in his arms and Severus immediately snuggled against the warm body. His breathing was steady and Lucius shook his head with a grin.

After a few hours, during which the Potions Master had slumbered and Lucius had read an interesting book about the moonflower, a plant that rarely flowered and if so, only on a full moon, the teacher woke up.

Confused, he blinked up at Lucius and sat up straighter. The aristocrat kissed him affectionately and breathed a "Good morning, baby."

Severus smiled mischievously and yawned.
"Good morning, Luc." He faltered, glanced at his watch and raised an eyebrow in surprise.
"Have a good evening, Luc." He corrected himself and Lucius chuckled suppressedly.

"Good evening. Did you sleep well?"
Severus nodded and looked around. Startled, he winced as his stomach gave a loud strong protest.
Lucius laughed and stood up without a word.

"Hey. Where are you going?!" complained Severus.
"I'm making us dinner you sleepy." Lucius replied and went into the kitchen.

He heated the oven, took out tomatoes and a pot, put it on the cooker and let the water boil.
Then he got the baguette and cut it in half.

After 10 minutes, the tomato sauce was ready and he could pour it over the baguettes. He put the sandwiches in the oven and sat down again with his beloved.

Severus looked at him questioningly and immediately snuggled up to him again.
"Baguette topped with tomato sauce." Lucius answered the unspoken question.
Severus nodded in satisfaction and the aristocrat stroked the potions master's back reassuringly.

After about 10 minutes, Lucius gently cradled Severus' head and rested it on the couch before slowly getting up to fetch their food.

Severus, who had once again fallen into a reverie, only grumbled briefly and then slept peacefully.A gentle shake of his shoulder made him lift his head sleepily. Then he smiled.

Lucius was standing in front of him with two plates laden with grilled baguettes.
Severus' mouth watered at the sight and his stomach growled loudly again.

Lucius smirked and sat down next to his beloved. Setting the plates down at the small coffee table.
Immediately Severus snuggled back against his side and reached for a loaf of bread.

Now Lucius reached out too and stroked Severus' right arm up and down, lost in thought. The Potions Master buried his head in the crook of the blond's neck and closed his eyes.

"Hey, don't fall asleep again." Lucius whispered in his ear, biting down lightly.
Severus only grumbled, which made the chest beneath him vibrate.

"Can you actually tell me why you're so tired?"
"I didn't get much sleep today. Only two hours or so." muttered Severus, sitting up.

Concerned, Lucius looked down at him.
"Well, get some more sleep now. Do you want a sleeping potion or are you going to sleep all night?"
"Sleeping potion..." mumbled Severus tiredly and Lucius stood up with a sigh.

He walked over to his friend's potion stash and retrieved required potion from it.
He went back to where the dark-haired man was already lying asleep.

He would not wake him again now he decided and lifted Severus with ease.
He carried him into the bedroom and placed the pale yellow vial on the bedside table.

That way Severus could see it clearly should he wake up again.
Lucius took another drag and then slipped into the land of dreams himself.

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