Confessions (Snucius)

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submissive!Lucius. It's set after the Final Battle. Sev alive, Narcissa dead.

Severus Snape sat, as he often did, hunched over his desk and was checking the essays on the Potion of the Dead, seventh year, when there was a soft knock on the door of his office.
It was so quiet that he almost missed it.
When it knocked again, but a little louder, it was clear.

Annoyed, he looked at the clock. It was almost midnight.
Had he really been sitting here that long? Apparently, but what did a student want outside the beds? And from him of all people?

Without giving much thought to what he should do now, he called out a quick "Come in".
The heavy oak door opened a little with a soft creak, revealing a shock of blond hair.
A Malfoy. Out of the question. Draco he could not imagine.
True, this one was his godchild, but he always came to see him during the day.

The visitor opened the door a little more and as soon as the gap was big enough, he slipped through. He closed the door behind him and was immediately welcomed by the watering master with a light hug.

"Lucius?! What are you doing here?", Severus greeted him in a soft voice.
To say the teacher was surprised was an understatement.
Only a few times had the head of the family visited him here at Hogwarts.
However, it was always a small ray of hope when he saw Lucius.

Each time, his heart began to race, his hands began to sweat and he silently cursed himself for falling in love with his best friend.
His best friend who had a child and a wife just a few months ago!

"...rus? Severus? I can leave again if I'm interrupting." The aristocrat's uncertain voice, brought him out of his thoughts again.
"No, no, stay calm. While I am a little surprised to see you here at such a late hour, I see no reason why you should disturb me. I have just finished correcting the papers anyway.

"A small smile flitted across Lucius' face as he stepped further into the room.
His gaze wandered around the room.
The walls were dark and only sparsely decorated with pictures.

Behind the black oak desk, there was a display case with old books.
To the left of it, a door made of the same material as the desk.

To the right of the display case was a potted plant with fleshy leaves.
Two candles hung on each wall, giving the whole room a dim glow.

The potions master, watched the blond all the while until he breathed sheepishly:
"It's nice here."

Severus smirked. He knew himself that the furnishings looked expansive, but that was how it should be.

"This is my office. Come, it's more comfortable in my private rooms."
The dark-haired man pushed open the nondescript door behind his desk and walked through.

Patiently, he waited for Lucius, as he still stood in Severus' office, undecided.
The professor smiled, walked back to Lucius and pulled the Malfoy by the hand through the door.

No sooner had they entered the corridor than the blond-haired man pulled his hand away with a hasty movement.

Silently, they both walked down the short hallway before Severus pulled the politician into his living room and onto the couch.

With a wave of the potions master's hand, two glasses of firewhiskey approached and floated into their hands.

"So, what brings you here?" Severus asked after a while.
Trembling, his counterpart took a breath before Lucius began to speak brittly.
"Have you ever been in love, knowing that the other person doesn't return your feelings?"

Severus was silent, searching for the right words, then he placed his hand on the blond's left forearm and squeezed lightly before nodding slightly.
"Yes, I know that situation all too well. But now tell me who is it? Do I know her?"

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