Forever mine (Snarry)

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Severus had already given up looking for his soulmate.

Thirteen years had passed since he turned into a vampire at the age of 17 through an inheritance.

Normally, a vampire sensed his mate when he turned 10 years old. And that day should have come now.

He had been walking unsuspectingly through Diagon Alley when he suddenly caught sight of Albus.

Next to the headmaster strolled a foreign man and between the two men a little boy. No older than 11.

He immediately felt the pull to the boy and instinctively knew he was his mate.

So he stopped in front of his superior and old friend and greeted the trio.

Albus' partner was Gellert Grindelwald under a spell.

The latter had sought shelter with the Dumbledore during the war and so they had come together again.

They searched for a quieter spot to chat and Albus noticed how Severus had to control himself not to pull the boy into his arms.

The old man knew all too well about his nature.

"Severus, you must be patient. You can see Harry whenever you want, but you will not tell him anything about you until you are sixteen, do you understand me?"

Severus swallowed and nodded in understanding.

"Thank you Albus. I'm sorry it's your son of all people."

Albus just shook his head with a smile. "Don't apologise for something beyond your control. Besides, it's nice to know he'll be in good hands."

Years passed and by now Harry was in his 5th year at Hogwarts and somehow he had managed to fall in love with his potions professor. That's just great.

The professor was oblivious to his thoughts as he sat behind his desk with a grim expression and checked on the class. Harry was also sitting there, looking dreamily at his teacher.

Meanwhile, Severus was also in his world of thoughts and was happy that it was still 8 months until his little soulmate turned 16.

Finally, finally the bell rang for break and Ron poked him in the side.

"Come on Harry, you can't go on raving about Snape for ages." He laughed.

The youth looked around in panic before hissing:

"Can you go a bit louder I don't think Filch had heard."

He quickly packed his things, took one more look at the potions master and hurried out of the room. The redhead was behind him, laughing.

A few days later, there was a soft knock on his door. Severus frowned in confusion and looked at his godfather clock.

If Minerva wanted to invite him in for a game of coffee and cake, he wasn't going to open the door.

As the knocking grew louder, he walked quickly into his living room, his heart beating wilder the closer he got to the door.

With a jerk, he opened it and a brown-haired teenager stumbled into his rooms.

Severus quickly caught him and smirked slightly as Harry looked up at him mischievously.

"Uhh, sorry?" Grinning slightly, Severus shook his head and closed the door.

"It's almost dinner, do you need anything from me Harry?"

Over the years they had built up a friendly relationship, so Harry didn't see him as a member of the family.

But instead of answering, the teenager leaned forward a little and touched his lips with Severus' thin ones.

The latter froze at first before taking the initiative.

An agile tongue urged entry, which Harry readily gave.

Gasping, they parted and Severus' head buzzed.

He didn't even notice that his breathing had quickened as slender arms wrapped around his waist.

Immediately, black eyes sought green ones and their lips met again.

Into this scene burst Albus, who wanted to pay his colleagues a friendly visit.

"SEVERUS!" he cried in shock. "Couldn't you have lasted these eight months!"

Hastily the pair broke away, however Harry noted gratefully that the older one had not let go of his hand.

"Sev," he asked quietly, "what does Dad mean?"

The potions master bit his swollen lips nervously. Then he turned to the younger man.

"Well, you see Harry, I'm a vampire and you're my soulmate. I felt it on your tenth birthday."

Gently he stroked his little one's cheek. The latter smiled happily and pulled him into another intoxicating kiss.

Albus had left. They needed time for themselves now.

Harry Potter and the book of oneshots (English translation)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt