Can you go with me? (Wolfstar)

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The Christmas season was already knocking on the door and preparations were underway everywhere for this year's ball, which was attended by high-ranking politicians from all over the world.

The teachers were in a frenzy and everything had to be perfect. Much to the chagrin of the students, they were getting dance lessons from their head of house.

Sirius felt particularly sorry for his brother, as the Slytherins had to practise with Slughorn.

Things were also going haywire among the student body. Everyone was already looking for a dance partner.

James was going with Lily, Regulus with Snape, and Remus had many female admirers.

Sirius was the only one and turned down any offer from a girl. Only a few people knew that he was gay.

James had accepted with a shrug and a grin and Remus had turned bright red and fled to the library with the excuse that he still had homework to do.

Severus had watched this with a knowing look and then disappeared holding hands with Regulus.

Sirius shook his head in confusion and continued to stroll down the corridor. He had been thinking about the chocolate-addicted boy far too often lately.

And he knew a little bit why.

The only problem was that Remus wouldn't want him.

Girls flocked around him and he had always commented with a smile.

Black was just passing an empty classroom when he was pushed against the nearest wall with an incredible force.

When he realised who had attacked him, his eyes widened rapidly.

"R-Remus?!" he gasped in surprise and immediately felt ,warm, soft lips against his.

Sirius immediately wrapped his arms around his counterpart's neck and kissed him back just as passionately.

Remus smirked into the kiss and slowly broke away.

"Do you want to go to the ball with me?"

Sirius nodded wildly and then began kissing him again.

As he did so, he unbuttoned the werewolf's shirt and licked over the warm skin.

After the headmaster's long speech, all the couples were allowed onto the dance floor.

So were Sirius and Remus, who gazed into each other's eyes in love.

Immersed in their own world, they ignored the whispers and whispers of their fellow students.

They were painfully reminded that they were not alone.

Some clapped or whistled, but a small number also insulted them.

For that, however, they also got a good deduction from McGonagall, Slughorn and Dumbledore.

At least every house lost a good 300 points.

"Don't listen to them," Remus whispered, gently grabbing the boy's chin. "Look at me. I love you more than anything. Will you be my steady boyfriend?"

Sirius smiled and pulled the bookworm into a breathtaking kiss.

"I guess that was a yes."

Both grinned.

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