Refuge (RegulusxTwins)

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He was gone. Just like that. Gone.

Tears swam in his brown eyes as he thought of the moment again.

His brother had been taken from him. At the ministry, when the fight had taken place. He knew it was no accident, yet he did not hunger for revenge.

The only thing that mattered to him was that his brother Sirius Orion Black was dead.

"eg... Reg, hey... it's all good. You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"
Harry leaned towards him and brushed away the rivulets of tears on Regulus' cheek.

The Black just nodded vigorously and felt new tears making their way out.

"I'll get the Twins."

With those words, Harry stood up and left the room.

Regulus stared blankly into the air and looked up only slightly as the Weasley twins entered the room.

Harry knew that Fred and George were important to him, but he had no thoughts for them at the moment.

"Reg?" asked Fred cautiously. They both knew what day it was but couldn't help him.

Regulus glared at the redheads.
"It was my fault. I shouldn't have let him go that day. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but HE WOULDN'T LISTEN!"

The long-haired man had jumped up and hit a wall.
Crying, he collapsed there, swaying back and forth.

The twins looked at each other. Then they nodded to each other and walked towards Black.

"Reg, it's nothing your fault. You know what he was like, when he set his mind to something, he stuck to it."

Harry pushed the several bottles of wine and beer aside and sat down on the couch.

Sirius' death anniversary was difficult for everyone, but Regulus always believed he should have died that day.

He got drunk until he could no longer think straight and forgot himself in self-doubt and self-hatred.

Regulus was more or less alone. Most of them had turned away, but Severus, Lucius, Harry and the Weasley Twins had stayed with him.

Harry looked up as Regulus turned to him.
"Why don't you admit it? You hate me like everyone else."

He slurred. No wonder with the number of bottles.
"No Reg, I don't hate you. I can understand you very well. I feel the same way sometimes."

Regulus answered nothing to that, just staggered up the stairs towards his room.

"We'll go and watch him." Said Fred and George in turn and followed Black. 

Fred knocked lightly.
"Reg, we're coming in now."

When the door opened, Regulus stood before them with his shirt half open. He turned away and lay down in bed.

Buried his face in the pillow and continued to howl.
Sirius' death was now eight years ago and it still shook Regulus every time.

Silently, the twins lay down in bed with their secret crush and took him in their arms.

The three of them fell asleep securely.

The next morning, the healer woke up with a headache and quite a hangover.

A hand stroked his cheek and made him open his eyes lazily.

"Good morning Reg, how are you?"
Confused, he blinked up at the voice.

"Fred? What are you doing here!" What had happened yesterday to make Fred Weasley stand in front of him, water glass in hand?

"My brother is just running the water for your bath. I just wanted to be with you when you woke up."

Tiredly, Regulus rubbed his eyes.
"Did we make love?" He asked wearily.

"N-no, we didn't, why?"

Sure, the brothers loved him, but they would never have taken advantage of him like that.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinking. You probably don't have anything for me anyway. I can understand that."

Fred said nothing to that and helped him out of bed.
Regulus got up staggering and went into the bathroom.
George looked up and smiled at him.

"Now come on Reggie, the water will get cold otherwise and we don't like cold water."

"Y-you c-come with bathing?" Asked the older one, befuddled.
"Yeah, sure. Hey, we love you and we can see you need to relax."

Fred looked at him gently and began peeling him out of his clothes.

Button by button was undone and the shirt fell from Regulus' shoulders.

"I...I love you too." The Black confessed, completely overwhelmed.

"A...but I don't know about that." Ashamed, he looked to the floor. "I don't have any experience at it yet."

Gently, Fred stroked his cheek.
"There's nothing wrong with that. It's all good. We'll help you with it. Just let yourself go. We'll do it."

When the last piece of clothing was down, George impatiently whisked away their remaining clothes and led Regulus into the tub.

Fred sat behind him and gently they both stroked their bodies.

Over all the scars, over the fading dark paint over the pale skin.

There was nothing sexual about it, it was more soothing.
"Let yourself go" Fred murmured in his ear and stroked the muscular upper arms.

"We love you. With all our hearts. It's all good. We don't want to overwhelm you. Everything goes at your pace."

"No sex today." Regulus whispered brokenly and let himself fall.

Everything became lighter in the arms of his dream men. All the weight was gone. As if swept away.

"I love you too."

Regulus closed his eyes and wished that the moment would stay forever.

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