Cold (Drarry)

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Holding hands, the new couple walked through the snowy streets of Muggle London.
Small ice crystals danced in the wind and blew mercilessly in their faces.
Harry was equipped with a pleasantly warm, selfmade woolly hat from Molly Weasley and his cosy, dark blue coat.
His nose and cheeks had turned a healthy shade of red and almost resembled those of his partner.

Together they wandered towards the snow-covered park, which was difficult to make out due to the flurry, and then wandered leisurely to their favourite spot.
The bench stood directly under a weeping willow and was only covered by a thin layer of snow thanks to the tree.

Gently, the blond freed the wood from its white burden and exposed a plaque in the middle of the backrest. Harry had to smile immediately: H+D.

Harry's eyes, when he had understood the meaning, had shone when Draco had shown him this inprint after two weeks, on their third date.
They had been together ever since and he couldn't be happier.

Together they sat down on the bench and looked out over the smooth white expanse that stretched across the park.
Here and there they could make out the tracks of birds and smaller dogs, while an unbreakable silence hung over the park.

A few blackbirds here, a few crows there and the soft rustle of the wind, made the moment perfect. Except for one thing.

"Dray, I'm sooo cold!"
Draco looked at him with an understanding smile and tugged lightly on his arms.
"Come here then. I'm sure a hug will warm you."
But Harry just shook his head vehemently and looked on the ground.

"No, It's okay..."
Suddenly he was pulled onto Draco's lap, he just looked at him urgently.
"You're not a burden, you hear me?!"
The brown-haired man lowered his eyes and stared at his boyfriend's green jacket.

"If...-,if you're sure..."

Draco sighed and pulled him into a tight hug. He nuzzled into the warm crook of his neck and placed loving kisses on it.
Harry shivered as he felt the blond's breath close to his ear.

"I swear to Merlin, I'll kill the Dursleys. You should never feel guilty about asking for a hug from your boyfriend." Draco muttered, pulling him even closer.

Harry said nothing to that, just enjoyed Draco's reassuring warmth and sighed heavily.

That evening, as they both lay in bed next to each other, Draco had long ago fallen asleep, but Harry's thoughts were still on their little trip.
Suddenly Harry heard a suppressed sob.

Confused, Harry looked to the side and saw that Draco's back was shaking. Immediately he slid closer and hugged him. The nightmares still haunted the blond, yet the war had been over for four years.
But trauma, as we all know, did not disappear so quickly and so Draco had to suffer again and again.

At the trials against the Malfoys, Harry had testified for Lucius and Draco, as there had been no clear evidence against Narcissa.
After the trial, they had spoken out and soon their close friendship became something more.
For Severus Snape, who had fortunately survived the battle and had been in a coma for 6 months, there was also enough counter-evidence to acquit him.

"Dray, are you okay?!"
Said blond stiffened briefly before relaxing again and replying.

"Yeah everything's fine...why?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Oh nothing. I just thought I heard you crying. I love you."

Draco didn't answer and Harry thought he had fallen asleep again, but that was when he heard it whispered softly.

"I love you too."

Harry sighed and snuggled closer to his boyfriend's warming body.
He was so stubborn sometimes.
Harry smiled.

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