After all this time II (Tomarry)

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No sooner had the heavy oak door crashed against the wall than Tom whirled around.

"By Salazar, Severus! Haven't you ever heard of knocking?! Do you want me to die of premature heart failure!"

Severus looked like a wet poodle at first, before he shook his head with a grin.

"You can't die of that. You know that as well as I do, and besides, it's urgent, so I couldn't wait for your kiss."

Indignant, the 'dark' lord started to retort something when he was interrupted by a snort from Harry. The dark-haired one had been listening to the conversation with interest, but now he just had to laugh.

"By Merlin, I knew you weren't your usual self in private, but this is better than I could have imagined."

Immediately a unanimous and also amused; 'Hey!!' resounded.

After all three had calmed down again, the watering master continued.

"The majority of the Aurors have been neutralised, as ordered. However, I only had Potter's closest friends, as well as the wolf and Black, bound."
At that, Harry gave him a grateful look.

"The Weasley brat is not with us, she granted herself so we had to take her out."

The student shrugged and unconsciously sat on Tom's left thigh.

"Ginny was way too pushy anyway. Even after I told her I liked men."

Severus smirked but said nothing. The way Harry leaned against his lord spoke volumes.

And of course Tom looked anything but averse. Unconsciously, he wrapped an arm around the smaller man's waist and gently pulled him closer.

"Well, that's a coincidence." Murmured the lord, sending light shivers down Harry's body. He gasped softly and closed his eyes to collect himself.

"...ry, Harry... HARRY!"

Confused, Harry shook his head and looked around.
Severus had apparently already left and now he was alone in the room with his companion.

"What's going on? Where's Snape?"
Tom chuckled slightly before answering.
"Severus had potions to brew and you seem to have wormed your way into the evil potions master's heart."

Harry was even more confused now, which was why he hadn't noticed the change in position.
They were now lying on the bed in which the student had been sleeping only a short time before. So they snuggled together and Tom gently stroked his back.

"It must have been a bit too much for you, you fainted for a moment. Severus took advantage of that state to give you a kiss on the forehead. He must have adopted you or something."

Tom smirked as he thought of the gentleness in the Black Lakes. How times were changing.

Slowly he turned his head towards Harry and gave him a loving kiss.

"I know it's too soon for you, but...I love you."

Yes, sometimes fate was kind to you.

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