Oh so sweet... I (Drarry, AU)

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This Oneshot is going to have a second part!
It's based on a idea from @martina08072000!

Hope you all enjoy <3

"Scorpius, come here and don't make trouble!"

Harry ran his hand through his hair, exhausted. He couldn't really tell when it had all started.

He was sitting in his room at Grimauld Place, thinking about what to wear for the evening.

A Muggle club was his destination for tonight.

The former student wanted to get away from all the stress of work and so he had decided to treat himself to some time off.

Two hours later, he was moving to the music and drifting when blond hair suddenly crossed his gaze.

Pleading eyes looked around, hoping to get away from the men surrounding him.

Damn it, why did he have to get his heat right now?!

Harry squeezed through the crowd until he arrived at his former classmate. Immediately a sweet smell hit him, making his mouth water.

"GET OUT!" he shouted, "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

But the others only looked at him contemptuously until they recoiled in fright.

Harry's eyes had changed colour and now shone a dangerous golden-green.

In one fell swoop, the crowd dispersed and a terrified Draco emerged.

He whimpered softly as the Auror took a step closer.

Reassuringly, Harry raised his hands and reached out to him.

All at once the Malfoy was in his arms and clinging to him. The found people paid no attention to them as Harry led them out of the club.

Luckily the alpha hadn't had anything to drink yet and so he was able to apper Draco home with him.

A moment later they were standing in front of the run-down house, which was only sparsely lit.

The blond Omega was still shaking all over and so Harry decided to draw him a hot bath.

The alpha in Harry was raging. Someone had scared his little companion. But he would have to sink into murderous thoughts later. His omega definitely came first.

Slowly he carried him into the house and up to the first floor, where he undressed him while the water filled the tub.

"H- Harry..." The softly whispered words made him look up immediately.

Draco had his arms wrapped around his thin body and only now did the brown-haired man realise how frail his little one looked.

"What is it, Draco? Do you need anything in particular?"

The blond tried a failed smile.

"Wha-" he broke off. Harry looked at him encouragingly and so he continued speaking.

"Why are you doing this. I mean, I feel it too, but I've hurt you more than enough during our school days. You should resist it. Have some kind of negative reaction!"

Harry sighed before kneeling down to him.

"I forgave you long ago. So have Severus and your father. I see things so differently now than I did during the war."

Draco smiled shyly up at him and let Harry help him into the tub.

Gently, Harry washed the soft hair and smiled as the Malfoy relaxed and closed his eyes, threatening to fall asleep.

Gently shaking the older one by the shoulder, he watched with amusement as tired eyes looked up at him.

He helped him to stand before wrapping an embarrassed Draco in the fluffiest towel he could find.

Snuggled in, Draco made himself comfortable in Harry's bed, where he was soon asleep.

Not two seconds later, Harry was lying next to him too.

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