Style - 🍺Drunk At A Party🍺

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^ this song fits them too perfectly-

Type Of Story: Light-ish Smut, Angst

Top: Stan
Bottom: Kyle

Summary: Stan was always getting drunk, and he was always getting into fights with Wendy. Kyle would have to deal with it everytime. Kyle liked stan but didn't want to ruin their friendship. What did Wendy have that Kyle didn't.

Word Count: 1905

[Kyle's Pov]

I was getting dressed and ready in my room after getting a text from Craig, he was throwing a party at his house.

We were all in high school now, and not much has changed.

I never told Stan my real feelings for him. I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I wasn't a huge fan of parties but I knew Stan was going to be there so that's the only reason I went.

Although I'll probably be ignored the whole time. Kenny was dating Butters so he'd probably be talking to him the whole time, Tweek and Craig stayed together since elementary, Tolkien and Clyde were now together, Cartman was still with Heidi Although their relationship was toxic, and worst of all, Stan was still with Wendy.

They would fight often but their fights wouldn't last very long, the next day one of them would apologize and they would get back together.

Stan would always come to me for his relationship issues. Everytime he was upset he would drink, so everytime he has a fight with Wendy he would come crying to me all drunk and I'd be stuck taking cate of him all night.

I've tried to tell him that their relationship was toxic but he never listened to me. No one did.

He was still my best friend though, I couldn't just leave him. I wanted to be there for him.

But most of all...I wanted to be with him...

What was so great about Wendy...what did she have that I didnt...

Me and him have known eachother our whole lives, she just comes in and steals him away from me. It's not fair...

Was I being selfish?...

I shake my head to stop the bad thoughts and continue to get ready for the party.

I grab my orange coat and blue jeans, with my green gloves and slip ok my green hat.

I walk out the door and begin walking to Craig's house. I state down at my feet as I'm walking and look at my footprints that appeared in the snow.

I let out a deep sigh, it was so cold you could see my breath.

I look up at the house and walk towards the door. I knock and Clyde answers.

"Hey dude!" He smiled inviting me in, he had a cup in his hand which I was assuming was alcoholic. He offered me a cup but I declined. I wasn't really a drinker.

I look around the crowded home to try and find Stan, but the place was packed with people so it was hard to point him out.

I started walking around and pushing through people to try and find him. That's when I saw him.

He was in the kitchen talking to Wendy. Of course he was. I sigh and go back to the living room.

I plop myself onto a free space on the couch and slouch down.

I had changed my mind. I was so stressed. I picked up some random persons drink from off the table and stake a sip.

I Imidiatly start coughing and spitting it out. "Ew" I groan. Nevermind, alcohol was gross.

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