Tyde - 🏈Take Your Best Shot🏈

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Type Of Story: Fluff

Summary: Clyde plays football for the south park cows. It was the end of the season and Token decided to show up for Clyde's big game to cheer him on.

Word Count: 1033

[Clyde's Pov]

I was getting dressed in the boys locker room, we were all nervous about this game. It was out last one before the season was over so we had to make it count.

Especially since Token was going to be there to watch. I wanted to show off for him.

I put my shoe up on one of the benches so I could reach down to tie it.

I feel a hand grab my sholder and I turn around to see Stan. "Good luck Dude" he hypes me up.

"You too Stan" I smile.

Stan was one of the newest members of the football team, but he was surprisingly really good for a beginner. Maybe even one of the best on the team. 'Not including me of course' I smile at my myself. I had a bit of big ego.

Coach calls us all out onto the feild and we walk out.

I look around the large crowd but it was almost impossible to find Token in it. The place was packed with people.

All of a sudden I see Token jumping up in down waving his arms to try and get my attention.

I chuckle a little and wave to him, how is he not embarrassed right now?

We get into our positions and I crouch down with my hands on my kneese.

I look over at Token who was shouting my name, "WOO! LETS GO CLYDEE!! YEAHH!!!" He shouts.

Everyone was looking at him, but he didn't care. That was one if the many things I liked about Token, he didn't care about others people opinions, he was just himself, and he wasn't afraid to be either.

I laugh a little and then put my focus back onto the game. "I'll win this for you Token" I wisper to myself.




The game begins.

[Small time skip]

(Score board: Denver:20 Cows:20)

We were tied.

Sweat was dripping from my face. This last game mattered. Whoever one this last Game, was going to be moving onto nationals. We needed to win this. Not just for nationals, but for Token. I didn't want to let him down.

Stan turned around and looked at me nodding his head. I knew exactly what to do.

I nod and then get into my position.

I take a deep breath in and then out slowly. Focus Cylde, Focus.


For Token.


For Token.


For token! I scream in my head.

I looked at Stan while running towards the end zone.

Stan catches the ball and looks at me.

I put my arms up and he throws it to me.

I catch the ball and start running as fast as I could.

I needed to win this. For Token.

As I was running, I think I could hear Token chearing me on through the crowds screams.

I managed to speed up even faster and diving into the end zone with the ball in my hands.


The buzzer for the game goes off.

We had won.

The crowd starts chearing like crazy.

My team runs to my and they pick me up, lifting me above their heads, chearing my name. I laugh.

"CLYDE! CLYDE! CLYDE! CLYDE! CLYDE!" They all chanted.

I had to admit, I did love the attention.

But I only really wanted the attention of one specific person.

And that was Token.

After celebrating we all go back into the locker rooms and change.

I wiped my hair with a white towel and rest it on my sholder. My hair was drenched in sweat. I grab the water bottle from my locker and begin chugging it down.

Some of the guys came up to me and punched my sholder or pushed my head playfully. "Nice job out there clyde!" They praise me.

"Thanks man!" I smirk, feeling proud of myself.

I feel my phone buzz from my back pocket and I take it out to look at the notification. It was from Token.

My face Imidiatly brightened up as soon as I saw the message, 'meet me under the bleachers? :)'

I Imidiatly text him back, 'be there in a sec :)"

I quickly grabbed my stuff from my locker and run out of the locker room.

Almost everyone had already left Exept for some of the players girlfriends, who were waiting for their boyfriends to be done but they were all just sitting on their phones, not paying attention anyways.

I walk towards the bleachers and see Token from under them. "Hey!" I approach him.

"Hey!" He smiles.

"You were amazing out there!" He compliments me.

Sure the compliments from the team felt nice, but hearing it come from Token. It was different. It was so much better. It felt more genuine.

I could feel my face get slightly red and I rub the back of my neck, "pfft. It was nothing." I roll my eyes, trying to make myself seem impressive.

Token laughs and hugs me tightly.

I look at him for a minute before slowly wrapping my arms around him and hugging him back.

Token pulls back from the hug and he looked like he had stars in his eyes, he looked at me like I was his idol. "From now on, I'm showing up to all of your games!" He shouts determinedly.

I laugh and ruffles his hair. "I wouldn't mind that" I smile.

Token smiles back at me and blushed a little.

He looks down at the ground before speaking, "wanna maybe hang out for a while?..." he asks me nervously. "Like..go see a movie or something?" He blushes.

Was he asking me on a date?! I could feel my cheeks heat up, "Yeah!" I happily accept his offer, "that sounds like fun!" I smile.

Token smiles back and intertwines his fingers with mine.

I softly hold his hand and we walk to his car together to leave.

Winning that game, was the best thing I had ever done.

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