Tyde - 🍾Spin The Bottle🍾

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Requested By: XxLiaToTheRescuexX

Type Of Story: Fluff

Summary: While Clyde's parents are out of town, he decides to host a party, inviting all the kids in his school and of course, his 'best friend', Tolkien. The both of them are later given the opportunity for a fun little game of "spin the bottle" when their real feelings start to finally come out.



[Tolkiens Pov]

As I'm searching around in my locker, Im approached by a familiar voice coming from behind me.

"Hey dude!" They shout.

I quickly flip around at the sudden hand on my shoulder only to see my best friend, Clyde.

He had a large grin across his face as he wrapped his arm around me and ruffled my hair a bit Playfully.

"What are you so cheery for?" I smile a little at his odd behavior.

Without answering, he pulls out a small envelope from his jacket pocket and hands it to me.

I stare at the blank envelope for a moment before looking back up at him and tilting my head slightly in confusion.

"What's this?" I ask him.

"Just open it dude!" Clyde chuckles a bit.

I carefully tear open the envelope, trying my best not to damage it.

That was a big pet peeve of mine. When people carelessly tear open envelopes from the corners or sides.

I then pull out the small brochure that was inside.

Admiring the bright colors and details on the picture, I begin reading the paper to myself.

'Clyde's High School Party! Tonight at 8! Everyone's invited! Byob!(bring your own beverages)'

I flip my head around to look at Clyde. He still had that same exited expression on his face.

"You're the first person I invited!" He says with pride.

"So you better be there man!" He grins.

I hesitate to answer for a moment. "I don't know man...I don't really DO party's..."

But before I could even speak, Clyde was already running down the hall, tossing envelopes to everyone he passed by.

I let out a small sigh and close my locker.

I was never really the "party guy" type.

I was always more focused on my education.

Then again, if Clyde's going to be there, at least I'll have some sort of company.

[Time Skip! Brought to you by...
Bc im rlly hungry😔]

I Flop back onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling for a moment, allowing myself to get lost in my own thoughts.

I was debating whether I should really go to that party or not.

I've never been to one before. So I had no idea what I would even do, How I would dress, or what I should even bring.

The whole thought of it was just fusterating.

I groan a bit, my hands practically smacking my face as I let out a loud and long sigh.

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