Style - 🍺Drunk at a party pt. 2🍺

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Decided to make a part 2 to this story because I really liked the first one lmao.

Type of story: Smut

Top: Stan
Bottom: Kyle

Kinks: [not too many Kinks, this is more of a lightish kinda smut/softish. It's just really detailed]

Summary/recap: Stan got drunk at a party and Wendy broke up with him, AGAIN, Kyle was the one to take care of him as always, but the truth finally comes out. "Let me prove it to you tomorrow" Stan tells Kyle before falling asleep on the couch together.

Word count: 1318

[Kyle's Pov]

I slowly open my eyes only to relize that I was still laying on stans chest.

I slowly but quickly get off of him without waking him up. Was he even going to remember anything that happened last night? He seemed pretty waisted.

I go upstairs and brush my teeth before coming back down and starting on breakfast.

I also put a cup of water and painkillers on the table next to Stan for when he woke up. Considering the fact he was most likely going to be extremely hung over.

Stan groans and sits up stretching before quickly holding his head and rubbing it. " head is pounding" he wine's.

I finish breakfast and make me and Stan plates, I put them down on the table and walk back onto the living room with my arms crossed at Stan.

"That's because you decided it was a good idea to get flat out wasted last night" I roll my eyes at him.

"Sorry" he apologizes and rubs the back of his neck, "Did I cause you any trouble bringing me here last night?" He asks with genuine concern.

I sigh and shake my head, "your fine"

Yeah. He doesn't remember anything...

Stan takes the cup of water and painkillers in one gulp. "Thanks kyle..."

"It's nothing dude, you were going through alot" I tell him.

"No but seriously" he turns around to face me. "You do stuff like this for me all the time and I don't do anything for you in return, I'm such a fucking dick..." he sighs.

I walk over to him and put a hand on his head. Stan looks up at me and I smile, "You don't have anything to apologize for. I help you because your my best friend Stan, I do this because I want to."

He smiles back at me.

"Sure you can be a dick sometimes though" I smile and roll my eyes.

Stan punches my sholder playfully "hey!" He shouts. We both start laughing.

I grabbed our plates from the table and take a seat next to him on the couch. I hand him his plate.

We both start eating while we were watching Terrance and Philip on the TV.

afterwards I take our now empty plates and go to the kitchen to start washing them.

Stan follows me to the kitchen and hugs me from behind as I do so. He rests his head on my back and smiles.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Thank you Kyle..." he holds me tighter.

I turn of the fosset and focus on him.

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