Twyde - ⚡️Summer Storms⚡️

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Requested by: kaywlien

Type Of Story: Fluff

Summary: Tweek and Clyde go on a date to the park when some unexpected weather interrupts their plans, causing them to be stuck inside the house together.

Word Count: 2224

[Clyde's Pov]

It was the middle of June, that meant no school for a while.

Me and Tweek had been planning to go on a date over the summer, and today was finally the day.

I had liked Tweek for quite a while now. I was always jealous of Craig when they were dating in elementary school.

But of course times change and so do people.

Craig and Tweek eneded up breaking up, it was young love, nothing more.

It didn't really mean much to them. None of it did at the time. All of us were too young too even understand true love.

And besides, that had happened a long time ago.

Cartman and Heidi ended up breaking up in middle school, after being off and on for years.

Stan and Wendy broke up after elementary. Stan found out his Sexuality and got with Kyle the summer after middle school.

But now, It was finally my turn.

I didn't have to hide my feelings for him anymore.

I slip on a black t-shirt with some slightly ripped jeans and grab my Red and white football jacket.

That's right, I was finally apart of the High-schools football varsity league.

Not to brag, but the whole team looked up to me. I was the football captin.

Being apart of something as big as that made me pretty popular.

Tweek however didn't stand out as much, but I liked that about him.

He was different. He stood out. He wasn't like everyone else.

I found myself attracted to him for that.

Along with many other reasons of course.

All the girls at school were all over me, even some of the guys, but I didn't want them. I wanted Tweek.

I quickly slip on my black and white converse shoes before rushing out the door with my phone in hand.

As I begin walking to the park I pull up my phone and text Tweek.

'Hey! Cya soon! :)' I message him.

He messages me back right away before I could even turn my phone off.

'Cya! :)'

I smile a bit at the message before Turing my phone off and placing it in the back pocket of my jeans.

I eventually reach Starks Pond, which was where me and Tweek agreed to meet.

I take a seat on the bench as I wait for him to show up.

We didn't really have to much planned. Just to hang at the park and maybe go see a movie later at the cinema.

South park was a small town. There wasn't too much to do around here, and whatever you did, you could practically walk to.

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