Bendy - 💋Makeup Makeout💋

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Type Of Story: Fluff

Summary: Wendy and Bebe are best friends, but Wendy was dating Stan. Bebe didn't know how to tell Wendy her true feelings, until bebe finds out that wendy and stan had broken up. Wendy invites bebe over for a sleepover and the truth comes out.

Word Count: 1288

[Bebe's Pov]

I take out my phone to see a message from Wendy. I open the message and read it "Hey bebe, do you think you could spend the night tonight? Something is going on..."

I Imidiatly knew something was wrong. She sounded upset, even through just a text message I could tell when she was having an issue, I've known her long enough to relize these small things.

I respond back as soon as I got her message "ofc! I'll be right over!" And quickly start packing my things.

I throw a bunch of stuff into a bag and run out the door, I didn't bother doing my makeup, something was wrong with Wendy and I needed to be there for her. That was my first priority.

I rush out the door and start running to Wendy's house. I run up to the porch and knock on her door.

Wendy answers the door, her makeup was all smudged and it was obvious she had been crying.

I hug Wendy tightly and rub her back. "Hey..what's wrong" I ask, trying to comfort her.

"Let's go upstairs..I'll tell you everything" Wendy sniffles.

I walk inside and both of us head upstairs to her room. She shuts her door and I put my bag down taking a seat on her bed.

Wendy sits next to me and Imidiatly starts breaking down into more tears.

I again hug her tightly and run my fingers through her hair as a way to comfort her, I knew she liked it when I played with her hair, it would always make her feel better.

Eventually she calms down enough that she could speak, "Stan...broke up with me.." she tells me in a shakey voice.

She puts her elbows on her knees and covers her face with her hands as she cries into them.

I continue to rub her head softly, "Awe honey...Its going to be ok.." I wasn't sure what to say.

In a way I was kind of happy. Yeah I was upset because she was sad, but that also meant I had a chance. Does that make me selfish?

I continue to shush her softly running my hands in her hair and rubbing her sholder to calm her down. "Everything's going to be ok. I can promise you that." I tell her with a soft smile.

Wendy looks up at me with her mascara running down her cheek and hugs me tightly.

I hug her back as she cries into my sholder leaving black mascara stains all over my outfit, but I didn't care. As long as she was ok.

After a few minutes Wendy manages to calm herself down and stop crying.

She pulls away from the hug and uses her sleeves to wipe her tears. When she looks down at her sleeve she notices the smudged mascara. "I'm sorry. My makeups all messed up" She sniffles and chuckles a bit to try and lighten the mood.

I laugh a little, "why don't I fix it up for you. It'll make you feel better." I offer her with a smile.

Wendy nods and smiles at me.

I pick up the bag next to me and take out a small makeup bag from it.

I figured I was going to do my makeup here anyways so might as well bring it.

I sit on my knees on the bed while facing Wendy, she does the same facing me.

I take out some wipes and start wiping away her old smudged makeup.

She smiles and closes her eyes as I do so. I smile back.

I take out mascara and start fixing hers with it.

After finishing everything else, all that was left was blush.

I take out a makeup brush and begin putting the blush on her. As I do so Wendy opens her eyes and looks at me which causes me to stop.

"What's with that look?" I smile at her confused.

"Nothing, it's just-" She starts, "Your so pretty, you don't even need makeup, your bare face is already so perfect." She smiles.

I could feel my face get red as she says those words to me. "Stop it!" I push her playfully. She laughs "So is yours! your way more pretty!" I smile.

Wendy giggles and I start laughing along with her.

After laughing for a little. I continue to apply the makeup on her but she grabs my arm to stop me.

I looked at her confused and Wendy leans in closer to me, lightly kissing me on the lips.

She pulls back and looks at me with a smile. I thought I was dreaming. I touch my lips lightly with my hand where wendy had kissed me, I was in shock.

Wendy looks down blushing. "Bebe...Do you...think it's wrong to like girls...?" she asks me, her face quickly fades from a smile to a frown.

I place my hand on her cheek and lift her head up to look at me. Wendy keeps her hand on my arm.

"It doesnt have to be..." I smile at her softly.

She smiles brightly back and we kiss for a second time. This time the kiss being a little longer.

We pull back from the kiss and hug eachother giggling.

We stay in that position for a little while. It was comforting. I could stay like this Forever.

"Hey Wends?....will my girlfriend?.." I ask her. "You don't have to say yes..I know you and Stan just broke up so I-" Wendy cuts me off with another kiss on the lips. "Does that answer your question." She asks me grinning.

I smile brightly and blush, I nod my head aggressively in excitement and hug her again.

"Can I ask you something?" Wendy asks me while we continued to hold eachother.

"Of course." I tell her.

"How long have you liked me. Because I've liked you for a long time" I could feel her smile against my sholder.

I smile back. "Even before you and Stan got together. You two looked so happy I was too afraid to say anything." I tell her honestly.

The smile fades off Wendy's face when she hears his name, "I dated stan to try and push away the fact I liked girls. It didn't feel right, so I got a boyfriend to try and 'fix' myself. But I relized. Maybe...I don't need to be fixed..." the smile appears back on her face and I hold her closer to me.

After a long period of hugging I finish up Wendy's makeup and turn her around to face the mirror.

I put my hands on her shoulders and we look at eachother through the mirror.

"Beautiful" I smile at her through the mirror.

She smiles back and I turn to give her a small peck on the cheek from behind.

"I love you bebe" she smiles brightly.

"I love you too Wends" I smiled back.

"My turn! I Want to do your makeup now!" She giggles.

"Haha! Ok!" I chuckle.

Wendy takes my makeupbag and starts to do my makeup. We laugh and talked the entire time. It felt as if time had stopped when we were together.

It was just me and Wendy, nobody else mattered. We had eachother, and that's all that really matters.

And the best part...

I could finally say, "That's my girlfriend"

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