Tyde - 🧊Starving🧊

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Type Of Story: Angst

Summary: Clyde has been known to be more on the 'chubby' side. Once the bullying finally starts to get to him, his eating habbits begin to change and he starts struggling with self-esteem and body image. His boyfriend, Tolkien, seems especially concerned with his recent behavior.


Word Count: 3336

[Clyde's Pov]

"HAHA! Fatty!" One kid laughs in my face after pushing me forcefully against the lockers.

I felt a sharp and harsh pain in my back as my body met the wall, reflexively causing me to cough as I slowly sank down the the floor in agony.

The group of bullies laughed, proud and satisfied with themselves as they walked away, leaving me in the emptiness of the hall.

I wiped the smeared blood off the corner of my mouth with my sleeve as I regained my balance and stood myself back up.

"Bunch of no life pricks..." I mumble angerly through my teeth as I walk to the bathroom to clean myself off.

I glance in the mirror, studying the new scars that had appeared.

This bullying has been going on for quite a while now.

I haven't told anyone.

especially not Tolkien.

I didn't want to burden him with my issues, or worse, have him get involved.

Who knows what those assholes would do to him.

I run the fosset with cool water as I spash my face to clean off the dried up blood.

None of the marks they made were too deep, so they wouldn't be permanent scars most likley.

After rinsing my face, I made my way back to class and acted as if nothing had happened.

I've gotten pretty good at putting on a mask.

If you really think about it, everyone has a mask. We all wear one to hide under. To hide our true feelings.

People NEED to pretend, Because if you stop smiling, you'll start crying. And nobody wants to see that.


"Clyde Donavon." The teacher clears her throat as I walk through the door.

This quickly caught the entire classes attention. Everyone's eyes were now focused onto me.

"May I ask why you were late?" Ms.Davis crosses her arms, her eyes narrowed down as she tapped her foot on the ground intimidatingly.

"Sorry, I had to stay behind and talk to one of my teachers about some assignments" I quickly lie.

She seemed convonced, judging by her long sigh. "Just take your seat" she shakes her head.

I made my way over to my desk as the eyes of my classmates followed.

Setting my bag down next to my desk as the teacher resumed her lesson and glares were refocused back onto the front of the class.

Eventually, the lunch bell rang.

This was my kesst favorite time of the day.

Ever since the bullying started, I've been trying to avoid it as much as possible.

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