Style - ⛺️Little Perfections⛺️

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Type Of Story: Fluff/little bit of lime and smut

Summary: Stan, Kyle, Kenny, And cartman. 4 best friends since elementary school decide to go on a camping trip over the summer. Kenny and Cartman share a tent while Kyle and Stan share the other. Kyle and Stan have been dating for a little while now, but Kyle is insecure about his looks.

Word Count: 1334

[Kyle's Pov]

We finally made it to the camping site. It was a large and empty feild with some trees around.

It was quiet and peaceful. I liked the silence, there wasn't any drama.

Kenny and Cartman quickly run off and start setting up their tent, they acted like excited little kids.

Me and Stan stay behind to unpack the truck with all of our stuff.

"Wow, it really is beautiful" Stan comments on the setting sun from across the field.

I set our luggage on the ground and stand next to him, looking out at the view and smiling. "Yeah. it really is"

Stan puts his arm around me and and smiles. He turns to look at me, "let's go set up our stuff"

I nod and we grab our luggage.

We start setting up our tent. After we finished we ended up having to help Kenny and Cartman with their tent since they were struggling.

Afterwards it started getting dark. we all sit around the campfire and roast marshmallows while talking before going inside of our tents.

Cartman (Aka fatass) ended up eating most of the marshmallows anyways. Cutting the time shorter.

I was sleeping on the left and Stan to the right.

Stan was already asleep beside me, but I was up all night alone with my thought.

I stare at the top of our tent, laying on my back while bad thoughts begin to enter my head.

What does Stan even like about me.

I'm not even that cute. I meanz my hair is a mess, My nose was pointy, and one time my mother even told me I looked like my father.

I sigh and roll over onto my side away from Stan.

I think my loud sigh may have woken him up, because he Imidiatly wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

"What's wrong dude?" Stan asks me in a sleepy voice. His eyes were still closed and he rests his head against the back of my hair.

I sigh again, "Stan...what do about me?" I wisper quietly.

Stans eyed quickly open with shock. I roll over to my other side to face him, and look him in the eyes.

His arm was still wrapped around me. "What are you talking about Kyle?"

"I just..." I look down to avoid eye contact with him. "I just don't get what you see in me"

"Dude, your perfect. What do you mean?" He compliments me, causing me to smile a little, although my eyes still looked sad.

"What about me is perfect?" I ask him while keeping my head down.

Stan takes his arm off from around me and moves them up to my hair, slowly running his fingers through it.

"Well for starters, your hair is amazingly soft and fluffy" he smiles down at me.

I lift my head up slightly and give him a small smile back.

"Also, it matches your personality as well" he adds, running his fingers through my firery-red hair.

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