📽Movie Night📽(10k Special!)

3.3K 16 33

Type Of Story: Fluff/Some Angst/Neutral

Summary: Eric, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny. 4 best friends since elementary are now in middle school. Time Flys by. All 4 of them decide to have a movie night together, since they don't get the chance to hang out as much anymore. It's been a while since they've done something like this, they just wanted apart of their childhood back. They needed the nostalgia.

Word Count: 1599

[No ones Pov]

Kenny was in the kitchen, Grabbing some snacks for the rest of the group who were already set up in the living room.

Eric was on the left side of the couch with a blanket and a large bag of potato chips in his lap that had already left crumbs everywhere.

Stan was on the other side of the couch, and Kyle laying against his legs on the ground.

Each one had their own separate blanket.

The lights turned off, leaving the only light in the room being the blue glow from the large Television in front of them.

Kenny soon comes out with some random snacks that he had grabbed from Stan's cabinet.

Stan agreed for the sleepover to be at his house, considering Kenny's house was too 'unlivable', Kyle's little brother Ike would just keep bothering them, and Cartman refused for it to be at his.

Leaving Stan as the only option. Luckily for him, Shelly was busy having a sleepover at her friends house, and his parents promised to leave them alone.

"Oou! I call dibs on the kit-kats!!" Cartman shouts, noticing the treats and snacks in Kenny's hand.

Kyle nudges Eric with his shoulder roughly. "YOU ALREADY HAVE A WHOLE BAG OF CHIPS FATASS!"

That's one thing that hasn't changed in their friendship. Kyle and Cartman would still fight like kids constantly.


"WHAT?! THAT DOESNT EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE!!" Kyle shouts in defense.

"I think your just jealous kahl" Eric says back in a cocky tone.

"WHY YOU-" Kyle gets up and raises his fist, ready to pounce on Cartman, but Stan holds the firey red head back to stop him.

Kenny rolls his eyes at the 3 boys.

'Being the most reasonable person in the group is hard' he thinks to himself.

Eventually everything cooled off and they were back to their original seats.

Kenny layed on the ground stomach first, his hands holding up his head as the movie started to play.

They laughed and joked throughout the whole thing. That was one thing they could all get along on, Terrance and Phillip.

It had bonded them together when they were kids, and they all agreed it was the best show to ever exist.

Terrance and Phillip had recently made a new movie based on their show. That's why they decided to all watch it together when they heard the news.

Eric had gotten up a couple of times throughout the movie to get more snacks for himself.

Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps approaching down the stairs. Stan, being the only one to hear it, flipped his head around to look.

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