chapter - 4

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Hello readers ❤️

Sanjana pov

"Sorry, sanjana but kriti and jasmine asked me to do that" ishaan said.
" Ohh that fine" i said  just when my bff come.

" Girl tell me what he said you and why he looked pissed" kriti asked.
" I really don't know. He said me that i did something to him.which i don't even know. Did i met him before" i asked.
"Ye... I am mean no never" kriti said.
" Are you sure" i asked.
" Yes babe" jasmine said.
" Fine let go back to the work" i said we left.

In evening when i reached my home, i felt lonely because my parents and brother is gone for my relatives wedding.

" Hello" i said
" Hello sanjana " abeer said on the other side.
" Why you called" i asked.
"We are going to pub and be ready in 30 min and i am coming to pick you" he said.
" No abeer, not today please " i said.
" Yrr meera is also there and kriti and jasmine also ready to go why are you showing tantrum now when it is you who decided that" abeer said.
" Idiot monkey gorila abeer i will kill you. It you who asked me to decide this date without my consent" i said and heard laugh.
" Whatever it was your punishment for ditching us that day" he said.
" Whatever. Fine " i said and cut the call without waiting.

We reached there and aloud music is playing and we started to dance first after sometime I go to bar section.
While i am sipping my juice and waiting for jamine and kriti. Abeer is talking while Meera gone for washroom.

After sometime, me and abeer started to dance because jasmine and kriti still not came while meera go outside to receive the call. After sometime meera came and started to dance with abeer and i started looking to people who are dancing with there partner. Just when my bff come and we started to dance. Meera is scolding kriti and jasmine for coming late while me and abeer is laughing.

After dancing i went to washroom ,  when i come and see that veer is there and his girlfriend too. When she saw him, she hugged him and kissing him, both are lost on there kiss while i am standing there don't know what to do. I keep staring them and after breaking the kiss veer looked at me. I felt like my heart beat stopped and i don't know what to do my mind becomes blank.  But i heard my name so i turned and find jasmine , she is yelling my name. I leaved the stage and made my way toward them.
Then we again go for a dance floor start dancing, cracking jokes. I totally forget about veer.
After an hour we left.

When i am sleeping my mobile ring. Without looking i picked up my call.
" Hello" i said with horse voice.
" You idiot you bitch" someone yelled at me. I looked at my screen and find kriti is yelling.
"Don't disturb my sleep kriti, i wil come tomorrow to office you can yell and abuse me there" i said with a yawn.
" You bitch, you knew that i like rohan. What you said to him that i am mentally ill person i need doctor" kriti yell.
"So what? You need it right. Your parents told me when i last visited them" i said.
" Sanjana what to do with you. Idiot. They was just pissed at me that time, you came that time so they told you that . " Kriti yell again.
" Yrr kriti, please let me sleep yrr. You know na i love to sleep" i said.
" And i love to yell at you bitch" she said.
" What your problem don't you love me kriti? Do you love rohan more than me. Where is Jasmine i will call her complain  her about you" i said and call jasmine who picked the call and
screamed so loudly "ahhhhh" 
This made me sit straight while i heard someone fall.
" What happened" i yelled.
" You crazy girls, did you want me die" jasmine yelled at us.
" How do you know" kriti asked.
" Meet me tomorrow bitches" jasmine yelled.
" Why you screamed" i asked.
" Because i am watching horror movie and your call came same time and suddenly ghost also came so i screamed. "
"By the way who fell" i asked.
" Me" kriti said.
" Expected" i said.
" Why you called me" jasmine asked. Then kriti told her story about rohan.
" Yrr sanjana why you want us be single" jasmine asked.
" Because i have a trust issue guys, i don't like rohan at all" i said. While on the other hand veer is laughing. To listen there conversation. She is really a something. I never met this type of girl, so carefree.
" Sanjana, i don't know about your but we both know we are not lesbians" kriti said. And veer become shocked as hell.  what the fuck? Sanjana is lesbian?
" Kriti just shut up. I am not lesbian." Sanjana said and veer get relief.
" Why don't you find some handsome guy for you, atleast after that she not made our crushes run away from us" jasmine said.
"Yes right" kriti said. Veer become serious after listening them.
"Nobody likes me" sanjana said sadly pretending to be crying. While veer heart pinched by listening her cry  that only for a second because after that he get shocked.
"Liar" jasmine and kriti said.
"Boys are alway around you, but you never give them a sign girl" jasmine said.
"There was no one" sanjana lied with confidence.
" Who slapped that rishi in collage" kriti asked. Veer also remember something and started to become angery.
" It is not my fault kriti, he come in front of me  when i having a very bad day. And even tried to force me for a hug." Sanjana said.
Veer become again angery after listening this.
" What about abhi" jasmine said.
"I never slapped him. I only said him no because i don't liked him" sanjana said.
" What about veer" kriti asked. After listening his name veer desperately wanted to know why they are talking about me? Is sanjana lied about it?
" Which veer you asking" sanjana said. While veer think that how many veer she knows.
" That one who is in our company" kriti said.
"He looked like monkey so obviously i said no to him" sanjana said.
"Who is other veer sanjana" kriti asked.
" Do you forget kriti who i met when we are 20 year old he always made fun of you" sanjana said.
"Ohh , i hate Ranveer." kriti said.
" What about veer singh" jasmine said. While veer suddenly become happy and confused.
" He is hot" kriti said. While Veer rolled his eyes. He know that he is hot.
"He is wired" sanjana said while veer scoffed. How am i weird?
"You know him before sanjana" jasmine asked.
" No yrr, i never saw him before" sanjana said.
"You talked to him right, then why don't you asked his no." jasmine said.
"Why would i ? He have fiance right" sanjana said. While veer become frustrated because he have fiance. Why i am frustrating because i have fiance?
"What about him sanjana" kriti asked. Veer become confused.
"He was psycho kriti. He said me he love me but want he did to me. Thank god i got to know about him before otherwise i maybe become his wife" sanjana said. While veer is shocked.
" Yeah i know how he dragged you to temple to marry you" kriti said.
" Guys i don't want to talk about him now. You know i am afraid of him" sanjana said.
"I want to sleep yrr" jasmine said.
" I will kill her " kriti said with laugh.
"Bye, guys. Let me sleep now" sanjana said and cut the call. While veer singh is shocked and tried to sleep but sanjana face is come whenever he closed his eyes.


Who is that person?

What you thing about veer now ?

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