chapter -10

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He is observing  Mehra family  members first his eyes land on Mr mehra who is looking nervous but happy same time and his wife is smiling and then  young boy who is also staring them. And the a girl who is in white kurta and looking nervous. And then his eyes land on sanjana who is shocked and looking at him automatically a smile formed on his face looking at sanjana. He is about to say something when his wife said "Namastey Mr and Mrs mehra" Mrs singh said and her eyes land on sanjana who is looking beautiful and gorgeous in a pink kurta.she is impress by sanjana beauty. But sanjana is looking at Mr singh with shocked expression. Mrs singh is not understanding why sanjana looking shocked and keep looking at her husband  Mrs singh look at his husband Mr. Singh who is smiling looking at sanjana.
" Please sit " Mr mehra said. Mrs singh thought disturbed but with a polite smile she take a seat and then slowly slowly everyone started to take their respective seats. Everyone is sitting, and awkward silence fill in the room. No one know how to start the conversation among all of them only one person is excited to start a conversation.
"Hey uncle how are you " sanjana asked breaking the awkward silence. Everyone is shocked and look at sanjana who is smiling and asking Mr. Singh. Mrs singh is more shock to know that sanjana knows her husband how???Mrs singh look at her husband who is now talking and smiling to sanjana.
" Well, i am good. Become more good meeting you again "
Mr Singh said with a smile.
" You both know each other"Mrs mehra asked.
" Ohh mummy did you forget, i told you that i met a man in a temple. " sanjana said.
Mrs mehra  took  couple of second to remember and smile.
"what are you doing here" Mr singh asked.
" Well uncle my father want me to get married because he don't want me to enjoy my single life" sanjana said sarcastically and find her father is narrowed his eyes and looking at her. But have a small smile on his face which made her laughed.
Mr Singh smile looking at sanjana behaviour he never thought that sanjana would be that girl which veer like to marry. He never thought that veer choice can be that impressive in girl case.
" Sanjana beta, i am nisha singh and you know my husband already vikrant singh" Mrs singh said. Sanjana smile and nodded.
" Can we order now" Mr mehra asked. Mr singh nodded with a smile. They all order the food
"Why not your son come to meet" Mr mehta asked politely.
" Well he is stuck in important meeting" Mr singh said. He don't know that his son is planned everything. Mrs singh smile nervously.
" So, how you are doing uncle" sanjana asked.
" I am doing good but you know whom you are talking now" Mr singh asked with a smrick. Which made sanjana remember that Mr.singh is come  for his son marriage and she look at her parents and find them smiling.
" Your parents want you to get married and we are here because we want to meet our future daughter in law" Mr singh said.
This made her tongue tied and She keep looking at Mr and Mrs singh blankly.
" Sanjana my son is handsome, he is the ceo of the company. He is really very good man. You will like him." Mrs singh said with a wide smile she trying to convince sanjana to marry her son veer.
" We want to meet your son first mrs singh, as a parent we have to meet your son to check will he good for our sanjana or not. Mrs singh please don't mind it. we know your son but  Sanjana is precious for us. We don't want to compromise. As we are giving our daughter to you we want that he meet my sanjana." Mr mehra said politely.
" You are right Mr mehra. You have a right to check our son v " Mr singh cut off by her wife "Ofcourse you can Mr mehra. I will tell him to meet you and sanjana."
Just when food started to served.
" Sanjana you never tell me you know Mr singh " kriti wishper.
"I tell you later" sanjana wishper.
All started to eat their food. Mrs singh is all time observing sanjana behaviour. She is loving sanjana she think that  sanjana is very good choice for her son veer.
" Vikrant you didn't told me you know sanjana" nisha singh asked.
" It is my second meeting with her nisha" Mr singh said with a shrugged.
"You should have to told me." Nisha said. Mr singh not replied to his wife and keep eating food.
"Well, i want sanjana to be our daughter in law Vikrant" nisha said to her husband. Vikrant stopped eating his food and look at his wife" are you sure".
" Ofcourse i like her and also veer like her too and you mr vikrant also like her. Don't lie to me" nisha said and look at her husband who is giving polite smile to Mr mehra.
" Now don't excuse again about middle class girl. You like middle class girl too" nisha said.

While veer is patiently waiting in his cabin and thinking about what is happening there ? Dad will like her or not? Just when suddenly his phone rang it is from anmol. He not talk or called her since  mall incident happened. He don't wanted to pick her call but he don't want her to be get upset. Atlast he pick up and put near his ear  "veer baby help me i am in trouble" anmol said with horse voice.
" What happened?" Veer asked.
" I am stuck in hotel lift. You know how scared i am right now  please help me veer" anmol said with horse voice anyone can understand that she cried. Veer stood up and start walking out from his cabin "relax i am coming tell me the address" veer asked panick is visible in his voice and face.
"Moon hotel veer" anmol said and veer suddenly stopped walking.

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