chapter 33

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Sanjana and Vihan is watching the movie in theatre.Vihan held Sanjana's shoulder and pulled her toward him. Sanjana looked at him and smiled. Vihan smiles and kisses her forehead and sanjana closed her eyes and smiles widely. Then they again looked at the screen.

"Veer, i love you" Anmol said to veer. Veer smiled at her and hugged.

"I love you too anu" veer said and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Thank god i found you veer. What if i was not selected for that project presentation then? I was not meet you and we could not end up together," Anmol said and kissed him.

"Sanjana why you did this to me" krishna asked.

"What i did ?" Sanjana asked in confusion.

"You lied about siya " krishna said .

"Who told you that?? "Sanjana asked.

"That's mean you said her lie" krishna asked.

"No Krishna. I am asking who told you that i lied to her " sanjana asked.

"Who ever told me is non of your business " krishna said in anger.

"I did not do anything " Sanjana said.

"Why are you still with that rehan" Krishna asked her.

"It is none of your business" sanjana is angry at him after knowing everything she never said anything to him but he is blaming something on her which she never did.

After listening to this krishna left.

Sanjana told this to jasmine and kriti. Both friends not knowing what to say to sanjana and Krishna about these.

"Great job you did anmol." Vihan told her. Anmol smile and sat on vihan laps.

"Why are you creating miss understanding between krishna and sanjana" Anmol asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to take revenge on krishna" vihan tell a lie.

"You will marry me right" anmol asked him.

"Of course baby" vihan said.

"Rehan, tell me how i am looking?" sanjana asked. Vihan and Sanjana come in a mall to shop for Sanjana. Vihan is standing outside the changing room and checking the emails while waiting for Sanjana to come out of the change room. Vihan looked at her and mesmerize by Sanjana's beauty. She wore a black sleeveless top and white floral shirt which came to her knees. Her hair is tied in a beautiful ponytail.

"Come on earth "sanjana said loudly and rolled her eyes.

" You looking beautiful doll " vihan said and sanjana looked at him and found his intense gaze on her making her gulp. Vihan came closer to her and made Sanjana heart beating fast.

"I can't stop my self anymore Sanjana" vihan said and kissed her cheeks and look at her.

"I love you. Will you marry me" vihana said and sanjana eyes went wide listening to his proposal.

"Y .ess" Sanjana said because his eyes held love for her.
Vihan hugged her tightly. Both are smiling in happiness.

Sanjana told her friends about their marriage and they all get excited except Krishna.

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