chapter -24

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Hello lovelies ❤️❤️

I know you people are eager to know what will happen after the dance. So without wasting your time please enjoy reading. 

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Then both Veer and Sanjana walked away from the dance floor with a different mindset. One is scared and the other is confident. Their family hugged them happily. 

"Who the hell played this song?" Sanjana yelled a whisper to her friends when she found her friend staring at her like what was that on stage huh??? Type look. 

"I don't know," Kriti said. 

"Well, I think yash veer's friend played that song, " abeer said. 

"Yeah sanju, abeer is correct yash played the song" meera said. 

"What happened?" Veer asked suddenly and stood behind sanju.  Sanjana's eyes went wide and Abeer asked. " Ohh nothing, she was asking who played the song." Abeer said and veer internally smricked.

" By the way both of you were looking hot.... " abeer said and   looked at sanjana who is glaring him. 

" I mean wow. You both looked amazing when you were dancing, ''Abeer said nervously. 

" Yeah i agree kriti and meera said too while sanjana looked embarrassed. 

" Who allowed them to enter??? Security please throw them out!!! Sanjana thought. Veer is about to say thank you when they hear sanju!!!!! All of them turned and found a well-built man with a height of 6 feet tall with shoulder length hair coming with a big smile on his face. Sanjana  walked to him with a big smile on her face. 

" Oh my god !!! Am I dreaming ??? When you grow your hair to your shoulder length??"Sanjana start asking him with a dreamy looked on her face and while other friends also come to them with smile while veer  is looking very angry that who is that person?? Why is that sanjana head over the heel of this guy???? Who is he??? I will kill  him if he try to flirt with her. 

"And you looking beautiful sanju" that man said and veer closed his eyes in trying to control his anger. 

"Thanks. But you!!You look hot and handsome, ''Sanjana compliments and makes that person smile while Veer looks at sanjana in rage. How can she compliment that man ??? Didn't she look at me ??? I am more handsome and attractive than him. 

"Hey, you are going to get married, " the man reminded her. Just then sanjana realized the reality. She looks around and finds Veer, he looks at her with anger like he will blast any time.All the friends now looked at veer who is looking hell angry. The man smirked. 

" So he is the one," the man said. And sanjana signals him to stop. 

" Veer you don't know sanjana has a crush on surya bhai '' abeer told him and smirked at sanjana. Sanjana's eyes went wide listening to him. Just then kriti,jasmine and meera laughed loudly making all of them look at him. 

"Hey!!! Don't be angry. He is married and looks there!!! She is!!! his wife" jasmine said and laughed. While all of them turn and find a beautiful lady wearing a blue saree is coming to them with a smile. 

"Where is our sanju??? " She asked. Sanjana rolled her eyes. 

"You must be his, her soon to be husband " a girl asked veer and veer is just staring at her without emotion he is angry at Sanjana. Sanjana  blushed hard. But Veer is not even looking at sanjana. 

" Yes !!!he is the one and only" kriti said and laughed.

" Hey don't be angry with me. I don't even like your sanju." Surya said. 

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