10: Brotherhood of Mutants (1)

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Chapter 10: Brotherhood of Mutants (1)

Master of Magnetism, Magneto, wasn't very happy with the recent development. The appearance and sudden acceptanceof "Superheroes" who weren't mutants – such as Ironman, Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four – had been irritating him for a while.

Some might argue that these people were making the image of "Super-humans" more acceptable in the public's minds – which should be better for the Mutants as well – that point would be invalid since the public's hate for mutants was rather increasing.

Because, unlike these so-called superheroes, Mutants saw themselves as different and superior to humans (like they should) and therefore behaved accordingly. Though Magneto supported that sentiment of his mutant brothers, that caused the image of mutants to grow worse because other Superhumans, who weren't mutants, worked for the betterment of humanity while they did the opposite.

That's why the government planned to hold a meeting to decide on mutants' fate.

The "World Summit Meeting", as they called it, is supposed to be held on Ellis Island tomorrow evening.

Magneto found that outrageous.

How dare mere Homo Sapiens even think of deciding the fate of Mutant kind? Yes, that problem would be solved easily if the people at that government meeting were also mutants, wouldn't it?

Fortunately, Magneto happened to have just the weapon to accomplish that.

It was a machine, a piece of tech, currently positioned on top of the crown of the Statue Of Liberty, which was close to Ellis Island. When activated, that machine will release an omnidirectional wave of electromagnetic wavelength that'd turn any normal human touched by it - into mutants. Meaning, that every world leader in the "World Summit Meeting" could be made into mutants.

Magneto wanted to see what type of decision they would take then.

On top of that, there was a mini version of that Mutant Conversion Machine, made into the shape of a hand watch that Magneto wore on his left wrist. This was an emergency measure against any of the non-mutant "Superheroes" that might come to stop him. This small machine, when activated, would release a pristine beam of that same EM wavelength that could turn any potential target into Mutant, giving them X-gene.

With this the whole world will be on the palms of mutants soon.

The problem was that only Magneto could activate either of these machines because of his magnetic powers. The problem with that was that – using the bigger machine took a toll on Magneto's lifeforms, more so when using the smaller one – given the beam required to be more controlled and precise. Being an old man, that wasn't a good thing for Erik Lensherr. He didn't fear death but he also didn't wish to die before he could make the mutant kind prominent. So he needed a substitute, and he found that substitute in the form of Anna Marie, a recently awakened mutant who can absorb other mutants' powers.

Using her – though it would kill her – the machine on top of the Statue Of Liberty can be activated, releasing an omnidirectional wave that'd turn all the world leaders in Ellis Island into mutants. Then, being mutants themselves, it's only natural what jurisdiction they will bring upon the mutant kind.

Erik's plan was full proof and he had backup plans for anyone who'd try to stop him.

Now, he just had to go and fetch that little girl.


[All passengers are requested to get on the train.]

[Repeat. All passengers are requested to get on the train.]

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