Chapter 24: Stopping Uncle Eli

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 24: Stopping Uncle Eli⍟ ⎊ ⧗

"An android." I repeated. 

"Had me fooled, too." May chimed in.

"But that's..." Jeffrey trailed off, letting out a sigh.

"I mean, forget about the fact I thought she was beautiful. That totally goes against the Sokovia Accords. Doesn't anyone remember Ultron?" Jeffrey reminded us as he grew furious. "Was this Radcliffe's doing?"

"Sir, we really don't have much time. The point is, a good Director needs to know what assets he has at his disposal, and in this case, I think Aida could be an asset...a risky one,'s your call." Coulson mentioned.

Jeffrey looked over at me. I gave him a nod, silently urging him to go along with this.

"We need all the help we can get on this. We don't know what my uncle is capable of." I stated.

Jeffrey turned away, looking deep in thought. After a few moments, he spun back around to face us. 

"Agent May, go to Dr. Radcliffe's lab and get Aida. I want her on this mission. We'll dismantle her afterwards." Jeffrey commanded.

"What about my assault team?" Coulson inquired.

"You got the green light. But, Coulson...keep Daisy out of sight." Jeffrey advised.


We made our way to the Zephyr, quickly reaching Los Angeles with the team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that was already there. As Fitz finished a scan of the building, Mack and I met up with Robbie by one of our vans near the building where Uncle Eli was. We heard police sirens in the distance from every direction.

"Yo, I'm not wearing a mask, man." Robbie mentioned, holding the balaclava that Mack gave him.

Mack sighed. "It's not a mask, it's a balaclava."

"Thought that was a dessert." Robbie replied.

Mack immediately did a double take upon hearing his words. "What? No, ma...Never mind. Director just wants you to keep a low profile. There's a lot of media out here."

"I don't answer to him." Robbie retorted.

"Robbie." I scolded.

"No, you don't. Guy you answer to is a lot more unforgiving." Mack stated.

I grimaced, remembering what happened with Mack. Robbie nodded as a small smile grew on his face. "Yeah, well, you know a little something about that now, don't you?"

"Well, hopefully, when all this is over, he won't be anybody's boss anymore." Mack mentioned.

"Amen to that, brother." Robbie agreed.

"I'll meet with Daisy, Marisol, and Yo-Yo." I informed them. I then glanced over at Robbie. "See you soon, big bro."

I gave Mack and Robbie one last look before making my way towards Elena and Daisy, putting in my ear piece.

I never thought I'd be fighting side by side with my brother at S.H.I.E.L.D. to stop our Uncle Eli. This is definitely strange and crazy times. It wasn't long until I found Marisol, Elena, and Daisy on the opposite side of the block. On the way here, I filled Marisol in on everything that happened, especially with Uncle Eli. 

"Hey." I greeted.

"Thanks again for talking to the Director for me." Marisol commented, looking happy.

"Of course, anything for my family." I mentioned.

"Zephyr to assault Team be aware that all Morrow's men have pulled back. You need to be ready for anything." Jemma's voice then rang out in our ears.

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