Chapter 32: Operation Hot Potato

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 32: Operation Hot Potato ⍟ ⎊ ⧗

Sam grew more excited as he continued on. "Oh yeah. There's fan fiction of you, too. There's people who ship you with either Captain America or the Patriot, you know the Director. There are fans who've taken it very seriously, turning it into teams."

Daisy snorted, now it was her turn to be amused. "Team Captain America or Team Patriot? This is like Twilight all over again."

I grimaced. Suddenly, I didn't like this anymore. Me with Captain America? I bet he's a great guy, handsome even, and muscular, kind and all that, but I couldn't see myself with anyone else but Jeffrey. At that moment, we finally found a match. And that's exactly when Coulson and May entered the room. I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh. Good timing."

"We have a match. Leo Babikov. Ex-SVR, Special Ops...The same Special Ops division the two men who tried to assassinate the Director were in." Daisy mentioned.

"And there's our link to Nadeer." Coulson pointed out.

"Get this. They all have ties to Prime Minister Olshenko." Daisy informed us.

"The Russian Prime Minister who was attacked by an Inhuman." May reminded us.

"And then threw Bobbi and Hunter under the bus after they saved his life. This is bad." Coulson grimaced.

I winced. He's right. This problem was bigger than we thought. Things are always getting worse. Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D., where each mission is more complicated and dangerous than the last. That should be our motto.

"So we have Nadeer, International Watchdogs, and Russian spies all united because..." I began.

"Because they hate Inhumans." Daisy concluded, finishing my sentence.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, that's why they want the Darkhold."

Immediately, we all stared at Sam, baffled. He knew about the Darkhold? This whole time? Why didn't he say anything? Sam raised his arms as he continued, mistaking our looks for confusion.

'Cause it'll show them how to wipe out the Inhumans." Sam added.

"You knew Billy had the Darkhold?" Coulson blurted out.

"Well, yeah, I couldn't say anything with all the Red Shirts hanging around." Sam clarified.

"Do you know what he did with it?" May asked.

"It is secure." Sam assured him.

"You can't underestimate Radcliffe though." I warned.

"We have to assume he's gonna get the information out of Billy." Daisy pressed.

"Impossible." Sam replied.

"How can you be so sure?" May questioned.

"He doesn't know where it is. He gave it to me." Sam informed us.

"So where is it?" I inquired.

Sam shrugged. "I don't know."

"You just said Billy gave it to you." May protested.

"He did." Sam confirmed.

"You forgot where you hid it?" May inquired.

"No, I didn't hide it." Sam responded.

"So you still have it?" Coulson suggested.

"No." Sam replied.

"Then what did you do with it?" May pressed, growing annoyed.

El Capitan (Marvel/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now