Chapter 61: I Have To Go

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 61: I Have To Go⍟ ⎊ ⧗

The end of November had arrived. I kept bringing snacks and meals while Stephen was in the library, in his office, or his room, reading away. Sometimes we would sit next to Stephen as I did my own research to find some trace of my team. To my surprise, Stephen even came to church with me a handful of times. He claimed it was so no one would recognize me and to be there in case that did happen, to provide back up. However, I knew better. He liked spending time with me and during mass, I sometimes found him intrigued though he never admit it nor did I push. I was happy to spend time with Stephen like this though it didn't last. 

I had finally contacted Hunter, receiving a coded message from him in the mail along with a phone number. My eyes lit up. Oh thank God! Hang in there, Fitz! We're coming for you. I rushed to my room, closing the door behind me before picking up my phone, dialing the number. The line rang a couple of times before I heard Hunter's voice.

"Mariana? Is that you?"

"Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to contact you?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not living in a palace, sipping margaritas by a pool. Though a margarita does sound nice right about now." He retorted.

"Oh well excuse me for reaching out to one of the few people we can trust right now." I shot back.

Hunter let out a chuckle. "You must be truly desperate if you came to me first."

"You have no idea. We're in huge trouble, Hunter." I informed him.

"Just another day at S.H.I.E.L.D. then, eh? Well, it's good to hear you." Hunter mentioned.

It was devastating what happened to both Hunter and Bobbi. The team had told me all about it and I was crushed by it. They became good friends of mine, but I never got to say goodbye.

"You too. How are things with Bobbi?" I questioned.

"Good. Yeah. We're a hundred percent compatible, fifty percent of the time. Nearly got married again. Until the ninjas showed up." Hunter informed me.

Ninjas? What have they been up to? Well, glad to hear that their lives were also interesting. I furrowed my brows. "So you are still together?"

"Together forever, just doing our own thing." Hunter confirmed. "Distance is our savior. What about you? You found anyone?"

"Well, I did...but uh, well he was killed." I began, unsure of how to bring this about to him.

"Oh Mariana, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Don't be. You didn't know. Besides, I've made peace with it. So you have a plan to get Fitz?" I inquired.

"You want me to come up with a plan?" He asked, sounding baffled.

"Hunter, I don't have any resources at this moment, I'm out of money, and the government is on my ass, trying to find me. My hands are tied. Come up with something, anything. Whatever it is it will do." I insisted.

Hunter let out a sigh. "Fine, I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, Hunter. I owe you one." I said.

"Yeah you do. It'll be great to have the Synapse helping Bobbi and me." Hunter commented.

Looks like everyone knew me by that name now. It wasn't hard though. Anyone who watched the news saw me and knew my name by what many would call my superhero hero. It was weird, I never thought I would be a hero, one like Iron Man and the rest of the Avengers. It was all so surreal.

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