Chapter Four: Songs Of Experience

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Henrik's Pov

Sara Harvey is going to be staying with Emily for a while. Apparently she's not having the best time ever since she returned home.

Aria fucked up, big time. She told the police that she saw Andrew in the dollhouse. She's truly convinced that it's him.

It's not him. It was never him to begin with.

But Aria doesn't believe that. She's seriously convinced it's Andrew.

I'm currently in her room, watching her pack her things for school.

The girls are going back to school. Well, I don't know if they're all going back today.

We're allowed to stay home if we want. Hell, Principal Hackett is allowing us to miss school for many reasons.

One, he knows that we've been through alot and we need all the rest we can get. And we need more time to recover.

Two, school is almost over anyway, so there's no point in going.

I'm not going back. I seriously can't find myself going back to school, not now at least.

"Are you going to school?" Aria asked.

"Hell yes, I'm going to school" Hanna said.

"Do you think Mona will be there?" I asked.

"Mona's mom took her out of town. I think they're in Saratoga" Hanna said.

Makes sense. Mona was down there longer than us and her mom missed her like crazy.

"What about Sara?" Aria asked.

"What about her?" Hanna asked, confused.

"What she told Emily about Andrew" Aria said.

"He was everywhere, Aria. You said it yourself. He managed to be around the corner from so much" Hanna explained.

"No, I-I know I've been saying it's him..." Aria trailed off.

"I'll just see you and Henrik at school" Hanna said.

"I guess so" Aria shrugged.

"Not a chance" I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No. No guessing, you have to be there. I'm not walking in there alone. Bye" Hanna sternly said.

"Ok, bye" Aria sighed before hanging up.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning against the window as I stared outside.

At Prison

I absolutely love Barry.

He's a really chill cop and I can't believe that he managed to sneak me into jail, twice, without Lieutenant Tanner knowing.

I honestly owe him so much.

I patiently waited for him to bring in Andrew. I bounced my knee up and down, playing with my necklace as I did so.

The door opened and I smiled when I saw Barry and Andrew walking in.

"Remember, you only get 10 minutes. I have to get him back before Lieutenant Tanner finds out I let you visit him" Barry said.

"I understand. Thank you, Barry. Really" I smiled.

Barry shot me a small smile and nodded, gently patting my shoulder.

Andrew nodded at Barry before walking over to the table as he sat across from me.

Barry walked out of the room in order to keep watch, making sure that Lieutenant Tanner or any other police officer doesn't walk in.

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