Chapter Nine: Angry & Tearful Confrontations

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Henrik's Pov


There was nothing but tension between the Mikaelson's and I.

We've all been standing in the living room for quite some time. 

Although, it's annoying, especially when none of them have made a move to say something.

For Original Vampires, they're quite cowards if they aren't going to speak up first.

Finally, after what felt like hours, when in reality it was only a few minutes, the brave one to speak up was Finn himself.

"How...?" Finn asked in disbelief.


I just reveal the fact that I know I'm Henrik Mikaelson and the only damn word he can utter out is, how.

"Take a guess" I deadpanned.

"Henrik" Finn sighed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine! The freak that kidnapped my sister, my friends and I contacted some witches and they performed some ritual on me to help me regain my memories!" I yelled.

Everyone's eyes widened at that, clearly in shock.

Trust me, I'm still in shock that A knew about supernatural.

But I'll have to worry about that later.

"Henrik-" Finn started but I cut him off.

"Stop! Don't you dare say anything because as far as I'm concerned, you could be ready to lie to me again!" I yelled.

Finn looked taken aback, I could see some hurt in his eyes.

But, did I care?

No, I didn't.

"You lied to me, all of you lied to me" I said.

None of them said anything. They couldn't bring themselves to say anything.

I clenched my fists at my sides and glared angrily at Finn, pointing a finger at him.

"You lied to me from the very first day we met! I trusted you but you didn't seem to trust me!" I yelled.

"Don't say that, Henrik. Of course I trust you" Finn argued.

"If you trusted me you would've been honest and told me the truth" I argued back.

Finn opened his mouth to say something when Freya stepped in.

"Would you have believed him if he told you the truth? Wouldn't you have thought of him as crazy?" Freya asked.

"I won't lie, I would've been suspicious and a little freaked out, but if he provided me enough evidence to back up his claim, I would believe him!" I yelled.

Freya flinched slightly while Finn frowned.

"Henrik..." Finn trailed off.

He tried walking towards me, only for me to back away from him, not wanting him anywhere near me.

Finn noticed and sighed, but decided to just say what he was going to say.

"I didn't tell you the truth because I wanted you to continue your life as Henrik Montgomery. I didn't want you to remember your past life as Henrik Mikaelson. It was filled with nothing but pain, suffering and sadness. I just wanted you to continue being happy" Finn softly explained.

I took his words into consideration and I had to admit, apart of me understood why he didn't tell me.

I was literally attacked and killed by werewolves. It was absolutely brutal.

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