Chapter Sixteen: Slowly Accepting

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Henrik's Pov

After I finished eating my yogurt I threw the now empty cup in the garbage before making my way upstairs.

However, I didn't go straight to mine and Caleb's room.

I actually made my way to the room that Hayley and Davina told me about.

There I was, standing right in front of the door that I could open in order to walk inside the room the Mikaelson siblings made.

Although, I'm seriously hesitant about entering.

Mainly because although it's technically my room, I feel like a burden just by going inside and not getting permission.

After all, this isn't my house and I don't live here.

I'm just a guest.

But, then again, I am a stubborn idiot and I don't really let anyone or anything get in my way.

"Here goes nothing" I muttered under my breath.

Slowly, I placed my hands on top of the door, before gently pushing them open.

The doors made a slight creaking noise, but it wasn't too loud, so I'm hoping nobody woke up because of that.

I swallowed thickly as I took slow and small steps inside the room.

However, the second I was inside the room, I was left in complete awe.

This room is completely beautiful. It really is.

It was filled with all sorts of beautiful paintings and a few picture frames.

One particular picture frame was of the Mikaelson siblings and m...Henrik Mikaelson, when they were still human.

God...they're so different from their human selves...

I let my eyes stare at the particular picture for a while before turning my attention towards the bed.

It was a normal sized bed that was big enough for anyone, maybe even two people, and the pillows laid there.

However, what confused and surprised me was the fact that there was a stuffed teddy bear in front of the pillows. far as I'm concerned, teddy bears didn't exist centuries ago.

I walked closer towards the bed, reaching my hand out, trying to grab onto the teddy bear.

"Henrik" a voice from behind me spoke.

My eyes widened, slight fear taking over me, as I turned around.

Klaus, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah stood in front of the door.

Looks like the creaking of the door really did wake them up...

God...I'm such an idiot...

They looked surprised and confused, I tried to look for any anger in their eyes, but I didn't find any.

That's a good sign, right...?

I hope.

"Uh...hi" I awkwardly said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Henrik, what are you doing here?" Elijah asked.

"More importantly, how did you find out about this room" Kol asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I feel like a damn kid that got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

And trust me, that has happened a few times.

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