Chapter Thirty-Four: Exes and OMGs

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Henrik's Pov

So, Aria and Maverick never went to the airport to go to Paris.

Because Ezra showed up at their apartment and revealed to them that Nicole might be alive.

Apparently he showed up right before they could leave and told them that the FBI came over to his apartment and told him that they have reason to believe that Nicole might still be alive.

And after Ezra dropped the bomb on Aria and Maverick, my sister has been freaking out.

Because she received a call from Nicole but nobody was on the other side of the phone. She had called Emily for help and Emily told her it was better to delete the call and Aria did just that and after what Ezra told her, she's not only freaking out but she's feeling guilty.

I don't know why she's feeling guilty.

I don't even know why she cares about what's going on with Ezra. 

They aren't even together anymore.

Sure, they agreed to be friends but why does she even care about what's going on in his life?

Why the hell did she cancel her and Maverick's trip to Paris when Nicole being alive has nothing do with her?

It just makes zero sense to me.

I was currently in the living room, facetiming with Maya and Hayley, while Caleb was in our room busy with a video conference for work.

Elias is at school. Spencer was kind enough to drop by, pick him up and drop him off since I had a few things to take care of.

"So, wait, your sister cancelled her trip to Paris all because her ex-boyfriend told her that his girlfriend could be alive?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah, pretty much" I nodded.

"Why the hell would Aria do that? If that was me I still would've gone to Paris" Maya frowned.

"That's legit what I'm saying, but Aria claims she stayed because Ezra is still her friend and she has to be there for him during this tough moment" I rolled my eyes.

"Why does she even still care for that douche? After everything he did to her he's no worth her time" Hayley asked.

"She says it's because they're still friends but I'm just going to assume she feels guilty" I shrugged.

"Guilty? For what?" Maya asked, confused.

"Apparently Ezra got a call from his supposed dead girlfriend but Aria picked it up. She didn't know what to do and after she called Emily for advice she ended up deleting the call" I explained.

Hayley looked shocked at that while Maya stiffened at the mention of Emily.

Oh. Right.

I forgot that Emily and Maya were a thing before and after her 'death' and even though Maya claims to have moved on, I can tell she still loves Emily.

But Emily has moved on and Maya has to do the same too. Especially since she was the one that faked her death and left Rosewood for good.

"Wow, that's alot" Hayley nodded.

"Tell me about it. But, moving on from that, how's everything back in New Orleans?" I asked.

"The same old same old. Klaus gets himself into some trouble, makes more enemies than he already has, Elijah has to step in and fix whatever mess he made, Rebekah scolds them both and Kol and Finn simply eat popcorn and enjoy the drama" Maya rolled her eyes.

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