Chapter Twenty-Six: Hush Hush Sweet Liars

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Henrik's Pov

To say we were all anxious would be an understatement.

We were waiting for our stalker to respond to Hanna's messages and we've been waiting for a while.

Either they believe that Hanna is Charlotte's killer or they know what we're trying to do and is planning something big.

Aria was currently on the phone with Alison while the rest of us waited.

Aria hung up as she walked back over to us, taking her place next to Maverick.

"That was Alison. She's headed home tomorrow. But Elliot's going to a conference in Chicago" Aria said.

"She shouldn't be alone" Emily frowned.

"None of you should, till this is over" Maverick added.

He wrapped his arm around Aria's waist and pulled her closer to his side protectively.

"Guys, she's typing" Hanna spoke.

We all quickly huddled around as the text message came through.

"If you're lying, I shoot all of you" Carl read what the message said.

I swallowed thickly as Caleb wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulders.

"Hanna, are you sure that you wanna do this?" Spencer asked.

"First, it was Henrik, then Ali. Whoever's next could end up lying in a casket instead of a hospital bed" Hanna said.

The thought of any of us ending up in a casket makes me sick to my stomach.

"And we all decided this is the right thing to do" Hanna finished.

"Ok, but  we can undecide. It's not too late" Spencer said.

Hanna frowned and shook her head as she turned to look at Carl.

"Yeah, well, I trust Carl" Hanna softly spoke.

Carl looked at her as she spoke and his eyes softened.

Spencer glanced between them before sighing as her own eyes softened as well.

"I do too" Spencer nodded in agreement.

Hanna sighed before typing on her phone as she sent another text.

She hit the send button and we all anxiously waited for the stalker to reply back.

"She's sending another text" Emily spoke.

Hanna's phone beeped and we all looked to see the message come through.

"No police" Aria read off what the message said.

"As predicted" Maverick nodded.

Hanna frowned as her and Carl glanced at each other.

Spencer frowned and looked away. Caleb and I glanced at each other.

"Another text" Emily spoke.

The message came through.

"This is between you and me" Spencer read of what the message said.

"Sara Harvey took the bait" Caleb pressed his lips together.

Hanna hesitantly wrote back and sent the message.

We all waited before her phone beeped.

The second she laid eyes on the text she clenched her eyes shut, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

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