Chapter Twenty-Three: We've All Got Baggage

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Henrik's Pov

"Are you kidding me?!" our son Elias yelled at us, clearly in disbelief.

The day started off normal as it can be.

Caleb and I had gotten up from bed, got Elias up and we all got dressed and ate breakfast together in the kitchen.

I was finished with the dishes and decided to go take a nap with Caleb since I had a few more hours left before going to see dad and Aria at the brew.

Apparently dad wants to have lunch with us and discuss wedding details.

Of course, Aria and I are more than happy to discuss that topic with dad.

After all, it's his and mom's wedding, of course we're gonna be excited.

After everything that has happened, our parents have finally made up and are getting back together.

Unfortunately, I was never able to get that good nap of mine.

Because Elias barged into my room and demanded to know if we were going to be sending him to regular school instead of him being homeschooled.

How did he find out?

I'll get to that in a minute...

Right now, Caleb and I have to calm down our shocked and angry son.

"Sweetie, please understand that this is the best" I softly said.

"The best for who? Me? Or you and dad?" Elias asked, scoffing.

"For all of us. Your papa and I have decided that it's better if you attend real school rather than you continuing with homeschool" Caleb explained.

"Why? Homeschool was good for me. I did all my work I was given and not once did I slack off" Elias argued.

"We know that, sweetie. But, regular school is better for you than homeschool" I argued back.

"How so?" Elias asked in annoyance.

"For starters, you'll get to meet kids your age and make new friends. And you'll be able to have a normal school experience" Caleb said.

Elias gritted his teeth and clenched his fist at his side.

"I don't want to go to regular school. I'm fine with homeschool and I'm very much fine with my family, especially Hope, as my friends, thank you very much!" Elias yelled.

I flinched slightly while Caleb glared at our son halfheartedly.

"Watch your tone, young man" Caleb scolded him.

"Babe, please" I sighed.

I get why Elias is angry, I really do and I don't want Caleb getting mad.

After all, we didn't tell him, we weren't going to tell him until the time was right.

"Why are you guys doing this? Did I do something wrong? Do you hate me?" Elias asked.

"Sweetie, don't say that. We love you more than anything" I frowned.

"If you love me then you would let me continue homeschool, not send me to regular school where I won't know anyone and most likely will get picked on because I won't know how to communicate with others" Elias angrily said.

His eyes began to water but he tried his best to hold back his tears.

I frowned softly at my son and tried my best not to cry.

I hated seeing him so angry and so sad, but this is the best thing for him, he has to understand that.

Caleb stood closer at my side and wrapped his arm around my waist.

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