Chapter Thirty-Three: Original G'A'ngsters

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Henrik's Pov

I'm engaged.

I'm engaged to Caleb Rivers.

I'm engaged to the love of my life, the man that means everything to me, the man that I've loved since I first laid my eyes on him.

The girls and I met up with each other at the Radley and when we got there and sat at an empty table together, Aria revealed to us that she accepted Maverick's proposal and they're engaged.

The girls and I were extremely happy for her. Especially me.

After everything she went through, especially with Ezra and what he did to her, she deserves happiness with someone that loves her and treats her well.

And that someone is Maverick.

I'm so happy they're tying the knot and going to get married soon.

The girls were congratulating my sister when I cleared my throat, causing them all to fall silent.

"Well, since we're on the topic of engagements..." I trailed off.

Spencer, Emily and Alison looked at me in confusion while Hanna and Aria's eyes slowly widened in realization.

A smile appeared on my face and I raised my hand, showing off my engagement ring.

Hanna and Aria gasped, their hands going up to cover their mouths in shock, while the other girls eyes widened as realization dawned on them.

"No" Spencer gasped.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Oh my god! Caleb proposed!" Alison yelled, somehow managing to not attract everyone's attention.

I let out a chuckle and nodded my head, "last night" was what I told them.

Aria and Hanna let out loud squeals and pulled me into a tight hug, causing me to laugh and hug them back.

When we pulled away from the hug Hanna gently smacked me on the shoulder.

"It's about damn time he got on his knees and popped the question. I would've beaten his ass if he waited any longer" Hanna playfully rolled her eyes.

"Get in line" Aria scoffed, playfully rolling her eyes too.

I rolled my eyes at both of them in amusement.

"Congratulations, Hen" Alison smiled softly, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled softly at her and hugged her back, muttering a small "thank you" as we pulled away.

Spencer and Emily both hugged me and congratulated me on the engagement. I hugged them back and thanked them before we pulled away.

Hanna grabbed my hand so she could examine my ring at a better distance.

"Wow, it's beautiful. He definitely picked the right one" Hanna nodded in approval.

I smiled at that and nodded.

One by one the girls took turns examining my ring and they all loved it, praising Caleb on his search for the perfect ring.

I honestly don't care if he had proposed and had no ring, I still would've said yes.

We all ate our breakfast and talked about mine and Aria's engagement. The girls wanted to know when we'd start planning and Aria and I had to do our best to calm them down, especially Hanna.

When we finished our breakfast Spencer started taking something out.

We all saw her pulling out small bags and handed them to all of us.

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