Chapter Ten: Framed

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Henrik's Pov

Never in my entire life did I expect myself to feel so damn good after my confrontation with the Mikaelson family.

I...I just had so much emotions inside of me that I just needed to let all of them out.

And when I did, I felt so damn relieved, so alive and just so free.

I've literally never felt like this in a while.

Especially after escaping the dollhouse.

But, while things were looking a little better for me, the girls were a different story.

Everything went downhill when they arrived at the arcade.

Apparently, Toby had accidentally eaten some of Spencer's candy that Sabrina had made her and they were drugged.

Spencer has been asking Sabrina to make her some snacks filled with pot because it's been helping her sleep.

I'm not one to judge. I don't care what Spencer has been eating or doing to get better sleep, that's her business.

But, she could've been a little more careful about where she places her snacks.

They failed to catch Charles, especially after he ran off when the police came.

It's fair to say that all the girls were in deep shit after what happened.

I don't know what really happened between Aria and our parents, but from what Mike told me, it wasn't anything good.

I'm lucky to have gotten out of it, but I still feel bad for the girls.

The girls were now at mine and Aria's house so we could watch the news.

Apparently after yesterday's disaster, the only thing people have been talking about is Charles Dilaurentis.

Spencer, Emily, Hanna and I were sitting in the living room.

Aria and Alison were preparing all of us some coffee.

"Authorities have named Charles Dilaurentis as a lead suspect in the kidnapping of five Rosewood teens as well as a sixth victim from Courtland. Both state and local police remain tight-lipped..."

"Hey, did, uh, did Ali turn in those home movies to the cops? The ones that Charles left at her house?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?" Emily asked.

"Maybe they could do one of those age-progression sketches. We could finally put a face to the name" Spencer said.

"And maybe someone could put a fist to that face" Hanna scoffed.

"Amen, sister" I nodded.

We heard footsteps and saw Aria and Alison walking in, holding cups.

"Well, we are officially out of beans. What did we miss?" Aria asked.

We each got our own cups as Aria and Alison sat down.

"Toby says that the highway patrol is setting up checkpoints at all the state borders" Spencer explained.

"Did he say anything else after he accidentally ate half your stash?" I asked.

"He's texting me. That's a win" Spencer sighed.

"Hey, guys, shh" Emily said.

She grabbed the remote to turn the volume up so we can hear better.

"Though police have yet to comment officially. Inside sources speculate that the former Radley patient could be responsible for the unsolved murder of his mother, Jessica Dilaurentis. One of the first responding officers on the scene suffered minor injuries in pursuit of the suspect..."

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