Chapter Thirty-Two: Wanted: Dead Or Alive

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Henrik's Pov

Elias was feeling better. He wasn't sick anymore so that meant he was able to go back to school.

Caleb told me that he would take Elias somewhere to get breakfast and drop him off at school. Then he would head on over to the grille to finish an assignment his boss left him, it needs to get done today from what he told me.

After taking a shower, getting dressed and eating a muffin for breakfast I went over to the brew.

When I got there I ordered a coffee. I spotted Aria and Emily so once I got my coffee I made my way over to them.

"Good morning, guys" I smiled at them.

"Good morning" Emily smiled.

"Hey, Hen" Aria nodded at me.

I sat down across from them, my coffee in my hands as I took a few sips.

I opened my mouth to say something when I heard footsteps approaching. I turned around and saw Spencer and Hanna walking towards us.

"Will you just focus on living enemies instead of dead ones, please?" Spencer begged.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as the two of them sat down. 

"What are you talking about?" Aria asked, confused. 

"Hanna thinks that Rollins could still be alive" Spencer revealed.

Aria shot Hanna a deadpan look while Emily and I sighed.

"That detective told Ali he saw a photo of Elliot Rollins in a rental car. Hey, last time I checked, ghosts don't show up in photographs" Hanna explained.

Well...she does make a good point there.

But, it can't be him, I checked the mans pulse and he didn't have one.

"Ok. We were all there that night, Hanna. The man is dead. You killed him, and we buried him. Now, somebody knows. So, frankly, that's bad enough without having to go all walking dead" Spencer sternly said.

"She's right about the traffic cams, Spence. If there's a photo of him..." Emily trailed off. 

"Yeah, that could have easily been manufactured. You find a Rollins look-alike and you stick him behind the wheel of a mid-size sedan" Spencer scoffed.

I chuckled softly while shaking my head in amusement.

"The important thing is that A.D.'s fake..." Spencer trailed off but stopped.

One of the workers walked over to us and grabbed the plate that none of us were using anymore.

"Thank you" Spencer smiled politely at him.

The man smiled and nodded before walking away. When we made sure he was gone we went back to the topic at hand.

"A.D.'s fake Rollins trail picks up exactly where ours left off" Spencer finished.

"Yeah. This has to be Rollins partner in crime" I said.

"Mary or Jenna knows that we killed him and they're helping cover it up" Aria shrugged.

"You call that helping?" Hanna asked in disbelief.

"A never does anything for free. Ok. Not test scores and definitely not a cover-up" Emily shook her head. 

If A does something, they expect something in return. 

That's a definite fact.

"Guys, if Jenna was working with Rollins and she just found out what we did she could be grooming Sara to become her new seeing-eye dog" Spencer explained. 

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