Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Talented Mr. Rollins

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Henrik's Pov

The girls and I met with Hanna at her loft so we could discuss Mary Drake and Elliot.

Apparently, Emily asked Mary for help in order to get into Welby to see Alison and she discovered something and decided to share it with all of us.

Spencer, of course, wasn't happy at all that she asked Mary for help.

"I told you not to ask Mary for help" Spencer frowned.

"Ok, well, if I'd listened to you I wouldn't have seen Mary and Elliott together" Emily told her.

"So you saw them arguing. What's so suspicious about that?" Hanna asked, confused.

"No, it was the way that they argued. Like they were familiar with each other. This definitely wasn't the first time they met" Emily explained.

"Then why would they want us to believe that they did?" Aria asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I mean, we know Mary's working with a man. Maybe it's him" Emily said.

I actually believe that could be true.

Elliot has been nothing but shady and weird ever since Alison we admitted into Welby.

"No. No. Elliott would never hurt Alison. He loves her" Aria frowned, shaking her head.

"Does he? Because since she's been in his care she's only gotten worse" I scoffed.

Emily nodded at me while Aria frowned.

"Look, I understand why Mary wants to avenge Charlotte's death, but why would he?" Spencer asked, confused.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Elliot and Charlotte were more than doctor and patient when she was in Welby.

"I don't know. I mean, Ali called me begging for help. She's clearly scared of someone in there" Emily said.

I honestly never thought the day would come where Alison would be scared of her husband.

Especially when she seemed to care, and love, for him so much.

"Well, it doesn't mean that it's Elliott. I mean, Mary could be working with somebody else" Hanna shrugged.

"Ok, if that's true, why didn't she call him for help instead of Emily?" I asked.

None of this is making sense and I'm getting frustrated.

"All of this happened right after Mary got a hold of Ali's jacket" Spencer told us.

"Yeah, and then we suddenly weren't allowed to visit anymore" Aria frowned.

That definitely screams 'danger' I just know it.

"Maybe that's because he doesn't want us to see what he's doing to her" Spencer frowned.

"Yeah, well, I did, and it's awful. He had her strapped down to a bed like an animal" Emily sighed.

I bit my bottom lip at that and clenched my fist tightly at my side.

"If it is Elliott he's capable of doing a lot more than that" I said, pressing my lips together tightly.

"Yeah, we need to get her away from him" Emily said.

"How? She's his patient and his wife" Aria pointed out.

"We go to Welby. We talk to someone in charge and we tell them what's going on" Hanna said.

Aria and Emily nodded at that while I sighed.

"I can't. As much as I want to I have to pick up Elias from school" I told them.

"Hen, it's fine. We understand" Aria softly smiled.

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