Chapter Thirty-Five: The Wrath Of Kahn

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Henrik's Pov

To say the girls and I were confused would be an understatement.

Hanna left Rosewood.

She didn't say goodbye to us or tell us anything about leaving.

Hanna sent a text to Emily and Emily showed all of us the text.

"Went to New York to meet Lucas for work. Be back in a few days" Aria read the message, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Do we really believe that Hanna's in New York?" I asked.

"Well, she and Lucas are starting a business together" Spencer shrugged.

"But why would she go now? She's the one that's convinced Noel is A.D and we're so close to nailing him" Aria said. 

"Because all we have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence" Spencer reminded her.

"Right, which is why we need her here so we can find something more concrete" Aria said.

"Ok, I'm gonna call her and tell her to come back" Emily said.

She took her phone back in order to call Hanna and tell her to come back home.

I honestly doubt that Hanna is going to answer and even if she does answer she's not going to come back that easily.

Especially when she left on her own.

"Did Ezra get to Colombia ok?" Spencer asked, turning to my sister. 

"Yeah. He called when he landed" Aria nodded.

As a way to make up for deleting the call she bought him a ticket to Colombia to see if Nicole is alive.

Because if she is, hopefully, he'll be there in person to see for himself.

"Any news about Nicole?" I asked. 

"The authorities said they rescued four hostages but Ezra doesn't know if Nicole's one of them yet" Aria said. 

"Oh, my God, this must be overwhelming for him and for you" Spencer frowned.

Aria sighed and shrugged while I rolled my eyes.

I don't understand why this would be overwhelming for Aria when her and Ezra aren't together anymore.

Aria turned around and walked over to Emily.

"Did you get Hanna?" Aria asked.

"Went to voice-mail" Emily sighed, shaking her head. 

"We have every reason to believe that Noel's A.D" I said.

"We also know that A.D burned us out of the storm cellar so we wouldn't know the name of Mary's child" Aria added.

"What're we saying, that Noel is that child?" Spencer asked. 

"Well, if we can prove it, that's the evidence we need" Emily said.

"Yeah, and another reason that he would want to avenge Charlotte's death" Spencer nodded.

"I did some research, turns out all adoptions of babies born at Radley went through the County Family Services Court. I'm gonna go to the courthouse when it opens and I'll find out what I can about the adoption" Aria explained.

Spencer nodded and hopped off the counter she was sitting on.

"Ok, great, I'll, um...I'll try to find out where Noel lives and works then maybe I would get some answers that way" Spencer said.

"I have my swim coach interview in an hour so I'll come back after when I'm done and help out" Emily said.

"I have to conference call in a few minutes but when that finishes I'll come over" I said.

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