Chapter Five: Don't Look Now

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Henrik's Pov

The girls and I were at Spencer's house, in her room. Alison called us and said her father finally told her and Jason the truth and she's ready to tell us.

Right now, we're all standing in front of her as she sat down on Spencer's bed.

"So what'd your dad say when you showed him the picture?" Hanna asked.

"Did he admit Charles was the boy next to Jason?" Aria asked. 

I noticed how overwhelmed Alison looked, and by the looks of it Spencer did too.

"Guys, give her a minute" Spencer sighed.

We waited for Alison to respond. She took a deep breath before looking up at us.

"Charles is my brother" Alison said.

My breath hitched as the girls and I looked at each other.

Yes, we already knew that Charles is a Dilaurentis, but we never would've thought that he was Alison's brother.

"Then, why hasn't he been living with your family this whole time?" Emily asked, confused.

"Charles was born 15 months before Jason. My dad knew he was troubled at an early age, so they took him to the best doctors and therapists they could find" Alison began explaining.

"What was wrong with him?" I asked, confused and curious.

"They didn't know for sure, but by the time I was one, it was too dangerous to keep him in the house. They were scared for my safety so they had him institutionalized" Alison explained.

"Where?" Aria asked.

"Radley" Alison sighed.

Of course. Of fucking course.

"How is it possible that nobody in this town ever mentioned him?" Hanna asked in disbelief.

"Nobody knew him. They moved here after Charles was admitted because my mom wanted to be close to him" Alison explained. 

Emily let out a sigh as she walked towards Alison, sitting next to her.

"I'm so sorry, Ali" Emily softly said.

"Oh, God. All roads lead back to Radley" Spencer muttered.

"I don't get it. Why wouldn't your parents tell you about him?" Aria asked, confused.

"Yeah, why keep him a secret?" I asked.

"He said my mom wanted to tell me, but he thought they should wait until I got older so I could have a normal childhood. They thought Radley would help him get better but instead he got worse" Alison explained.

Alison took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I told my dad that Charles was the person that set me up for Mona's murder. That he kidnapped and tortured you guys, but he said Charles couldn't have done that" Alison explained.

"How is your father so sure?" Hanna asked.

"Because Charles is dead" Alison said.

All of our eyes widened and our jaws dropped in shock.

Excuse me? What does she mean he's dead?

"He killed himself when he was 16. He never left Radley" Alison said.

We all didn't know what to say about that. We just stood in silence for a good minute.

"How did he do it?" Spencer asked, breaking the silence.

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