Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tick-Tock Bitches

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Henrik's Pov

We all left the lost woods resort so we could get to the police station and fill the cops in on everything.

I know we said we wouldn't tell them anything, but we have to.

We need to get Hanna back and we're not waiting just to get her back.

Caleb and I held hands as we crossed the street alongside the others.

"Toby, you speak cops. You should do the talking" Carl spoke.

We all stopped walking as Spencer looked at Toby with concerned eyes.

"Wait, Toby, your job is on the line here. Are you sure that you wanna be a part of this?" Spencer asked.

Toby opened his mouth to say something when Carl turned around to glare at his girlfriend.

"Are you serious, Spencer? Hanna's life is on the line" Carl gritted his teeth.

Spencer blushed slightly as she opened her mouth to argue when Toby beat her to it.

"When you asked me for my help, I said I was all in. I still am" Toby nodded.

"Alright, we're wasting time. Let's go" Carl urged us.

"Guys, hold up" Mona spoke up.

We all turned to look at her and saw her gesturing at something.

We all turned around and our eyes widened when we saw Mrs. Dilaurentis, or whoever that person was, walking towards the police station.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that sees her.

Please tell me we're all seeing the same person with the exact same face of the woman that died years ago.

"Alison's not the only one seeing ghosts tonight" Aria spoke, clinging onto Maverick's arm.

"Maybe she wasn't seeing ghosts at all" Maverick deadpanned.

"Unless we're under a body-snatcher invasion that's a real person" Emily pressed her lips together.

"When they dug up Mrs. D in my backyard she wasn't just a little bit dead she was rotting corpse dead" Spencer explained.

"Whoever the hell that is, she was at the Lost Woods tonight" I frowned.

"If she's a part of this, she knows where Hanna is and I will beat the truth out of her if I have to" Carl gritted his teeth.

Anger washed through his eyes and his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

He stomped towards the station, only for Toby to grab him and pull him back.

"No, no, no, you can't just walk in there and start throwing punches" Toby sternly said.

"Agreed. Save that for another time" Caleb added.

"Just, just give me a minute. Let me find out why she's here" Toby said.

Carl sighed before reluctantly nodding his head as Toby patted his shoulder before walking past him.

"And who she is" I said.

"Or what she is" Emily added.

I leaned into Caleb's side as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed a kiss to my temple.

God, I really wish this plan had gone better than expected.

Caleb and I could be cuddling with Elias on the couch while watching movies on Netflix.

We waited for a few minutes when we saw Toby rush out of the police station as he jogged towards us.

The look on his face had us all worried, more than we were before.

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